Have you ever been as happy as your pets are when they are having a full out play session?


So I ask this question cause I can only maybe think of a few times in my life that I have felt the amount of joy that Jesse had this day. I live in South West Florida so we get a ton of rain here in the summer. We call that our rainy season. Now Jesse Jane was around 10 months old here and she wanted to go outside so bad that day. It was thundering and lighting so she had not wanted to go out previously to this video. Finally the rain slowed to a drizzle and the thunder and lighting stopped. SO after being in the house most of the day Jesse Jane burst out the front door and into this puddle. You could just tell how happy she was running through each and every part of the puzzle. She had gotten so worked up she had to take a small potty break.


The next video in here she is outside on a nice day with her giant tennis ball from Tractor Supply. What is weird is that she does not really not like to play fetch with a ball like most dogs. She rather grab it and play keep away from you. Or she really loves to drop it on the ground and swat it around. I used to have a few different types of Labrador retrievers. And they were more of the throw the ball and they bring it back to your feet type of dog. But it is all about Jesse Jane and what makes her happy. And as your can clearly see her big floppy ears and her tail wagging. I love how she sort of hops around. She is just a giant clumsy baby, but man is she having a great time.


And finally I bring you Jesse Jane wanting to play board games with my mother and I. So my mother and I like to play five hundred rummy, and we love to play dice. Dice is a sort of Yahtzee type of game but just with similar rules and then some very different ones. This game was passed down with the rules on paper through the family. After a few hours and switching back and fourth between the games Jesse Jane decided she wanted in on the fun. Now I need to say Jesse Jane is a huge baby and has to be loved constantly. She also needs to be the center of attention or else she feels like she is being left out.

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Well thank you for checking out the videos of my precious baby Jesse Jane. I hope you and your pets are having a great day. And please drop a comment and tell me do you think we as humans ever get as much joy out of something as or pets do. Also as often as our pets get joy out of things. I just think it happens more for pets as they do not worry about money or stress. You know human things that they can not always comprehend. I know they can sense when something is wrong but I think it might be easier for then to extract the joy out of simple situations.

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