#Caturday - A sad Caturday this time around

Usually I enjoy #Caturday a lot, and I was specially looking forward to past Saturday and making a post here, but I couldn't. Tuesday before that, Mila gave birth to adorable kittens. It was her first kittens, and she was one of the 2 cats of her mother. She is also smaller is size for cat. And yet, she gave birth to 6 of them, 6! I was so surprised to see six little babies, and all of them were meowing and moving around and seemed completely fine. They were all mostly white, with black and yellow patterns. Only one was more black than white. We don't know were there more of them, as we don't know where she gave birth to them. It seemed she gave birth during the night, and then moved them all in Tom's house that is in front of our house door. As Mila isn't my cat, and it was not the best place to have kittens there, we moved them all together in the backyard, and in a better place with no much sunlight, because the day was very hot.

The next day, I wasn't much around, I just went to show kittens to my brother, and at the time I saw them shortly and there are many of them, but they seemed fine. In the evening I received a message from my cousin asking me to come to see the kittens, I wasn't able since I wasn't home. She said it's okay, we can go in the morning, but she thinks one of them has died, but she wasn't sure since she can't touch them. In my head I just thought "Oh I hope it's not the only black one".

Unfortunately, in the morning, when I got there to help her to remove that one kitten, we discovered all of them except the black one died. I was devastated, and I couldn't believe it. I also needed to keep myself together in front of the cousin (she is much younger than me, still a little girl) and somehow deal with it and try not to let her see anything. She couldn't believe as well, and kept asking me, am I sure. But I was sure.

I debated should I be posting this or not, but this is also part of the life. And I am aware that most 'first' kittens usually don't survive, but before this we had 2, and they were fine and both good. This time there were 6 of them (which was a lot for Mila I am sure) and I know these things are not uncommon, and they were there only for a day, but it was really hard to accept it.

Mila's sister Dobrila is also about to have kittens, and she is even bigger. I am scared she will have even more, and the same thing will happen. But I need to stay positive.

As I am the way I am, I already took many photos on the first day, and videos, of these adorable creatures, so here are some photos in the memory of the kittens.







Next are with kitten that is left.




Sorry for bad quality of the most of the photos. All photos were taken using Nokia 7 plus phone, and edited in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom application.

Thank you for reading my post!

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