Dandy's Growth / Crecimiento de Dandy

Hola amigos de toda la comunidad de Hive Pets, hoy vengo en modo historia, pues les quiero contar un poco sobre lo que fue el crecimiento de mi amado Dandy, es más como para que lo conozcan a fondo, y sepan lo mucho que me importa mi perrito, pues es lo más preciado que tengo, y realmente lo amo demasiado.

Hello friends from the entire Hive Pets community, today I come in story mode, because I want to tell you a little about what was the growth of my beloved Dandy, it is more like for you to know him thoroughly, and know how much I care my puppy, it is the most precious thing I have, and I really love him too much.

Bueno, comenzando, Dandy nació el 17 de Marzo del 2020, y lo adoptamos el 30 de Abril del 2020, es decir, cuando solo tenia un mes y medio, a Dandy lo conseguimos por una pagina de perritos que dan en adopción, que se llama Aplavzla, cuando yo vi la foto, me entusiasme mucho, ya que era como 7 perritos y bueno, yo ya tenia tiempo deseando tener un perrito, ya que mi último perro había muerto en el 2017 y realmente ya estaba preparado para tener otro mejor amigo fiel; Cuando fui a buscar a Dandy, él era extremadamente pequeño y frágil, y literalmente lo elegí a él porque no le gustaba mostrar la cara, y su color entre marrón y blanco me enamoro totalmente.

Well, starting with, Dandy was born on March 17, 2020, and we adopted him on April 30, 2020, that is, when he was only a month and a half, we got Dandy through a page of puppies that are given up for adoption, which is Call Aplavzla, when I saw the photo, I was very excited, since it was like 7 puppies and well, I already had a long time wishing I had a puppy, since my last dog had died in 2017 and I was really ready to have a better one loyal friend; When I went to find Dandy, he was extremely small and fragile, and I literally chose him because he did not like to show his face, and his color between brown and white totally fell in love with me.

Ya cuando venia de regreso a mi casa, no me había decidido por el nombre que le iba a poner, tenia muchas opciones como Sparky, Toby, Teddy, pero finalmente me acorde de un personaje de American Horror Story: Freak Show, del antagonista Dandy, este personaje realmente me gustaba mucho, y pues, algo me decía que Dandy iba a ser igual de loco que el personaje, y pues no estaba equivocado, ya que realmente fue así.

When I came back to my house, I had not decided on the name that I was going to give it, I had many options like Sparky, Toby, Teddy, but finally I remembered a character from American Horror Story: Freak Show, from the antagonist Dandy I really liked this character a lot, and well, something told me that Dandy was going to be just as crazy as the character, and well, I was not wrong, since it really was like that.

Pasaron los días y Dandy se adaptó muy bien en la casa, de hecho, el tenia su propia camita, era una gaveta con una almohada, pero a él casi no le gustaba dormir allí, sino le encantaba dormir conmigo, es más, dormía encima de mi, y como era tan pequeño, yo tenia muchísimo cuidado con él, luego de unas semanas, le dimos su primer baño, realmente quedo súper esponjoso y lindo, de hecho, hay una publicación sobre el primer baño de Dandy en mi perfil, por si quieren verlo, den clic en este LINK.

The days passed and Dandy adapted very well to the house, in fact, he had his own bed, it was a drawer with a pillow, but he almost did not like to sleep there, but he loved to sleep with me, in fact, he slept on it of me, and since he was so small, I was very careful with him, after a few weeks, we gave him his first bath, it really was super fluffy and cute, in fact, there is a publication about Dandy's first bath on my profile, in case you want to see it, click on this LINK.

Desde pequeño, Dandy tenia un peluche con el que jugaba mucho, de hecho, dormía hasta con el peluche, ya que realmente le encantaba demasiado, ese peluche era mio desde que yo estaba pequeño, pero resulta que cuando creció más, comenzó a morderlo hasta que lo daño, y tristemente hasta allí llego, y bueno, luego de eso, tuvimos que cambiarle los juguetes a cosas más duras, ya que todo lo que le dábamos que no era resistente, él lo dañaba y pues no le duraban nada.

Since he was little, Dandy had a stuffed animal with which he played a lot, in fact, he even slept with the stuffed animal, since he really loved it too much, that stuffed animal was mine since I was little, but it turns out that when he grew older, he began to bite it until That I hurt him, and sadly I got there, and well, after that, we had to change the toys to harder things, since everything we gave him that was not resistant, he damaged him and they did not last at all.

A medida que pasaba el tiempo, Dandy iba creciendo poco a poco cada vez, de hecho, hace más de un año el tuvo su primer corte de pelo, que fue gracias a un concurso que ganó, este corte fue sorpresa, pues no nos dijeron cual iba a ser, para nuestra sorpresa, fue que le hicieron el corte de Schnauzer, ya que el veterinario nos dijo que era un cruce de Schnauzer con Poodle, y que el corte le iba a favorecer mucho, y pues tenia razón, porque apenas vimos a Dandy, se vea totalmente hermoso con ese nuevo corte.

As time passed, Dandy grew little by little each time, in fact, more than a year ago he had his first haircut, which was thanks to a contest that he won, this cut was a surprise, because they did not tell us What was going to be, to our surprise, was that they made him the Schnauzer cut, since the vet told us that it was a cross between Schnauzer and Poodle, and that the cut was going to favor him a lot, and he was right, because hardly we saw Dandy, he looked totally gorgeous with that new cut.

Luego, en Diciembre nos tomamos fotos con él, en la sala, ya que bueno, era nuestro nuevo miembro en la familia, y era necesario tener fotos con él, ya para ese entonces, Dandy había dejado de crecer, ya se había estancado y bueno, quedo de ese tamaño, luego fueron pasando los meses hasta que llego la fecha de su cumpleaños, allí le hicimos una pequeña fiesta, donde invito a su primo Benji, que es el perrito de mi hermano mayor, y a Hanna, que es la mamá de Benji; En su cumpleaños le hice una torta especial para que pudiera comerla, y le preparamos unos gorritos, con los cuales se veía súper lindo.

Then, in December we took photos with him, in the living room, since well, he was our new member in the family, and it was necessary to have photos with him, by then, Dandy had stopped growing, had already stagnated and well, he stayed that size, then the months went by until his birthday arrived, there we had a small party for him, where he invited his cousin Benji, who is my older brother's puppy, and Hanna, who is the Benji's mom; On his birthday I made him a special cake so he could eat it, and we made him some hats, with which he looked super cute.

Unos días luego de su cumpleaños, mi hermano menor llevo a Dandy a la peluquería para que le hicieran un corte, pero como no fue la misma que la primera vez, no supieron realizarle el corte y lo pelaron completamente, le habían dejado una pollina y las orejas peludas, y realmente se veía súper extraño, no me había gustado para nada como había quedado, por lo que yo mismo con unas tijeras lo acomode y quedo totalmente pelado, y bueno, me daba mucha lastima con él, ya que tenia ese pelo tan largo, y ahora se veía tan extraño, pero bueno, le deje crecer el pelo hasta hace poquito que le mande a hacer el corte de Schnauzer, de hecho, aquí en mi perfil esta la publicación LINK.

A few days after his birthday, my younger brother took Dandy to the hairdresser to get a cut, but since it was not the same as the first time, they did not know how to make the cut and they peeled him completely, they had left him a colt and The hairy ears, and it really looked super strange, I had not liked at all how it had turned out, so I adjusted it myself with scissors and it was totally peeled, and well, it hurt me a lot with it, since I had that Hair so long, and now it looked so strange, but hey, I let his hair grow until a little while ago that I sent him to do the Schnauzer cut, in fact, here in my profile is the publication LINK.

Lo mucho que tengo que decir de Dandy es que él le encanta dormir, duerme en todo momento, ya que aprovecha cuando estamos quietos en un solo lugar para dormir, de hecho, él duerme conmigo en mi cama, es mi compañero de cuarto jajaja, también le encanta jugar, tiene una pelota con la que se la pasa corriendo de un lado a otro, y realmente, Dandy parece una mini cabra, ya que salta de un lado para otro.

The much I have to say about Dandy is that he loves to sleep, he sleeps at all times, since he takes advantage of when we are still in one place to sleep, in fact, he sleeps with me in my bed, he is my roommate hahaha, He also loves to play, he has a ball that he runs around with, and really, Dandy looks like a mini goat as he jumps around.

Casi se me olvida, hubo una vez, que paso un acontecimiento, pues resulta que el Sr Dandy, recién bañado, se le ocurrió meterse en una montaña de arena que había en mi casa, y se ensucio todo, realmente en ese momento lo quería matar, ya que estaba tan limpio y se ensucio todo que me moleste muchísimo, ya que para bañarlo, es un problema porque le tiene miedo al agua y normalmente cuando lo baño, termino rasguñado, aquí esta la publicación sobre ese acontecimiento LINK pero bueno, que seriamos de nosotros sin las travesuras de nuestros perritos.

I almost forgot, there was once, that an event happened, because it turns out that Mr. Dandy, freshly bathed, it occurred to him to get into a mountain of sand that was in my house, and everything got dirty, he really wanted it at that moment kill, since it was so clean and everything got dirty that bothered me a lot, since to bathe him, it is a problem because he is afraid of water and usually when I bathe him, I end up scratched, here is the publication about that event LINK but hey, that would be us without the antics of our dogs.

Y bueno amigos de Hive Pets, esto fue todo por hoy, sé que la publicación no es muy extensa, y pues bueno, no cuento absolutamente todo porque sino duraría toda una vida escribiendo, ya que han pasado muchas cosas con Dandy, y hay muchos cuentos, que con el tiempo les iré contando poco a poco, espero que les haya gustado esta publicación y nos vemos pronto en una nueva.

And good friends of Hive Pets, this was all for today, I know that the publication is not very extensive, and well, I do not tell absolutely everything because otherwise it would last a lifetime writing, since many things have happened with Dandy, and there are many stories, that over time I will tell you little by little, I hope you liked this publication and see you soon in a new one.

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