A stray cat and a man..!!

One morning as I walked out of my house to water my plants I saw some thing running as fast as it could. I didn't knew if it was a stray dog or a stray cat. I never thought about this incident since then. After a week or so I saw a stray cat in my backyard and somehow I was convinced that this same cat was the thing that run across my backyard a week before. Since then when ever this cat sees anyone she would run away as fast as she could.

A week had passed by since the first encounter with the cat, now the cat does not run any more but simply wake away. Two week passed and the now the cat does not bother to walk away. A month have passed and now the cat just hangs out near the back door as if the house belongs to the cat.

Once day the cat meowed at me and I fed the cat some fish and this became the new routine. I started to feed the cat fish every day. Now the cat became my friend. Every time I step out side the comes running to me and brushes against my get and continue to do it for some time. Months continues like this, me feeding the cat fish and the cat coming and rubbing my leg every time I step out of the house and now the cat responds to my meows, when I meow the comes running from where ever it was.

Graceful and sleek, with eyes so bright,
A creature of comfort, who loves the night,
Purring softly, as it curls in a ball,
Its soothing presence, can calm us all.

With an independent spirit, it roams free,
A hunter at heart, swift as can be,
Climbing trees, with effortless grace,
The cat's elegance, we cannot replace.

Soft fur that invites a gentle stroke,
The cat's gentle purring, a loving cloak,
In its company, we feel content,
For a cat's affection, is truly heaven-sent.

One day I saw the cat sneaking inside the house slowly and I followed the cat and that when I found out that the had had littered and it is hiding the kitten inside my house. I slowly drew the cat out side the house and carefully carried the kittens outside without hurting them. The mother cat took her kittens from my hand and took the kittens to another safe place (my car shed)

The sweet little kitten trying to meow just like the mother.

Those little kittens where so cute. Soft and fluffy balls of fur, Pouncing, playing without a stir, Tiny claws and curious eyes, Innocent mischief, no surprise. Purring cuddles, oh so sweet, Little noses, always neat, Endless energy, never still, Kittens charm with every thrill. Mischief makers, full of grace, Exploring every inch of space, With each passing day they grow, But in our hearts, forever glow.

What is that thing? The curious kitten looking at my mobile camera.

I continues to feed the mother cat fish daily as usual and continued to be friends as before. The kittens grew and they all went on their own ways and yet the mother cat stayed back and we are still good friends.

Now the time to feed the cat, See you all soon again with a new story..!! Thanks for reading..!!

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