Say Hello to our new cat Fia

Me and my @pusen really loves cats. Leo, our 7 year old cat, has always been a scared quiet cat that only are comfortable around us. We wanted to see if he could get a new friend. We went to the shelter a few times before we found and adopted our new cat called Fia. Both we and those on the shelter thought she would fit our small family.

At the shelter we were told that she is a shy cat that was dumped by her last owners, because they was moving to an another country. I feel so bad for her, and that people can be so mean and stupid. If you are getting an animal you need to have the money for the vet and know that a cat aren't trash you just can throw when it doesn't fit your lifestyle anymore.

Our little furryball.

It took some time before she felt comfortable here with us. After a while she also showed her true self: She mewos a lot. My beloved quiet mornings have become really noisy with her meowings. But that doesn't matter when we see how much she loves us, and loves to cuddle. We could never give her away, even tho she and Leo hate each other. Or Leo attacs her every time he can come close, when we arent between them or giving them treats together. But we are working with it. They will stand each other one day.

Fia is two years old, and are much more active than Leo.

We bought her a name tag andwent on walks with her in a leash at first. It maybe sounds weird to people, but we wanted to go with her on a leash to get her to know the nabourhood, before letting her outside alone.

Her daughter is actually adopted by an old friend of mine. We have planned to meet them when Fia are more used to the leash, and maybe she will get used to be carried in a backpack. We are becoming those crazy catpeople on first floor.


You can read more about our other cat, Leo, HERE.

Since Fia and Leo aren't good friends yet, we keep them in different rooms.

We feed them wet food only when they are by each other, and most candies are given at the same time. Since they have different energy level, I guess it takes longer time for them to deal with each other without attacking.

Its been 5 months now, and I am prepared its gonna take a long time before they can be in the same room without any drama. She have just started to go outside by herself, and we see that she are calmer when she is inside. It really helps with her energy, and hopefully that will also help them tolerating each other.

I got to go, Fia is meowing at me because she want to sleep in my lap.

Fia says thank you for reading about her!


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