💛💚 Photography of some small and pretty kittens 💛💚


At least a week ago I found these kittens near my house on a corner, my niece and I took them home, and we decided to keep them until we found them a new home. I thought it would be a difficult job but it wasn't.

Hace al menos 1 semana conseguí cerca de mi casa estos gatitos en una esquina, entre mi sobrina y yo nos los llevamos a casa, y hemos decidido tenerlos hasta que les encontremos un nuevo hogar. Pensé que sería un trabajo difícil pero no fue así.


This little one was taken away yesterday by a neighbor across from my house. She recently suffered the misfortune of seeing her dog die with the pack of puppies that had been born to her. She decided to adopt a cat, even though she has always had dogs at home, she has made the decision to have a new experience with having a cat in her home. I hope she likes being a new mother to a kitten.

Este pequeñín se lo llevaron ayer, una vecina frente a mi casa, ella hace poco sufrió la desgracia de ver fallecer a su perrita con la manada de cachorros que había nacido de ella. Ella decidió adoptar un gato, a pesar que en su casa siempre han tenido perros, han tomado la decisión de tener una nueva experiencia con tener un gato en su hogar, espero que le guste ser una nueva mamá de un minino.



And her little sister is still with us, tomorrow she will go to live with our friend @lmir1965. A week ago she suffered the tragedy of losing her little Salem, who died apparently from poisoning. Although she looked for a way to get all her medicine, one morning the kitten could not take it anymore. We have agreed that she will now take care of her and we will be responsible for neutering her when the time is right.

Y su hermanita está aun con nosotros, mañana se irá a vivir con nuestra amiga @lmir1965 ella hace una semana sufrió la tragedia de perder a su pequeño Salem el cual murió aparentemente envenenado, aunque ella buscó la manera de conseguir todas sus medicina una mañana el gatito ya no aguantó más, hemos quedado en que ella ahora cuidará de ella, nosotros nos haremos responsables de castrarla cuando sea el momento indicado.



Funny moments were experienced by our Gatico, the cat, on the last day he was with us, for some reason, he was trying to nurse from him, he was bothering him all the time with that, the cat could not find anywhere to escape from him. Although it was a little late, they adapted little by little with my two cats.

Momentos chistosos son los que pasó nuestro Gatico, el gato el ultimo día que estuvo con nosotros, por algún motivo, estuvo tratando de amamantarse de él estuvo fastidiándolo todo el rato con eso, el gato ya no hallaba donde huir de él. Aunque fue un poco tardío ellos se adaptaron poco a poco con mis dos gatos.



Fortunately, these two little ones were healthy and without any problems. They were very naughty like no one would imagine, to the point of urinating in our bed, making them sleep apart from us, just as I don't know where they get the energy they have to eat everything they can find, even that of big cats.

Por fortuna, estos dos chiquitos estuvieron sanos y sin ningún problema, fueron muy traviesos como nadie se imagina, tanto como orinar la cama de nosotros, haciendo que durmieran a parte de nosotros, al igual que no sé de donde sacan la energía que tienen para comer de todo lo que consigan, hasta la de los gatos grande.


Rest in peace Salem. I lived with you for 3 years and your departure has left me very sad. You were a good little cat.



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