Trapped story Esp-Eng



That Halloween night I went to a party at a new friend's house, it was the first time I attended a party of this kind, so I was very excited.

Everyone had costumes, so it was difficult to know who was who, however everything was quiet until the time of the sinister game.

My friend closed doors and windows and just said in a creepy voice - if you don't hide you will die - everyone instantly started running.

I didn't know what to do and ran out to see where I was hiding, it was dark and I didn't know the place well, so I just hid under the stairs.

Everything was silent, but suddenly the creepy noises of every child I could find could be heard throughout the house, all calling for help and mercy.

The whispers and the voice of that girl who no longer seemed to be my friend, echoed throughout the place, she seemed to be hunting her prey that dark night of witches.

I was scared to death, what I wanted most was to get out of there, when suddenly I saw her shadow on the wall, her body was curled up, her legs were half bent, her arms were long and her head reflected huge horns.

I covered my mouth not to scream, she was a demon and this was a very real sinister game, which would never end and she would continue hunting each guest one by one.

The screams continued to be heard and those words over and over again - trapped, if you don't hide you will die-, I just cried in silence, I wished I had never gone to that party.

Suddenly I heard her footsteps slowly approaching, her heavy footsteps were shaking the floor and her hooves were tearing the wood, as well as her long, sharp nails, as she ran them along the walls.

She was approaching and whispering my name, only I was missing and she knew the place very well, I was trapped and now I would die, suddenly she stopped perhaps in front of me, I could not see anything in the darkness.

I knew she was in front of me, that smell of putrefaction confirmed it, I felt her hand rubbing my neck and she only said, "caught, if you don't hide you will die", at the same time the clock rang and she just disappeared.

! [Spanish]


Aquella noche de halloween fui a una fiesta en casa de una nueva amiga, era la primera vez que asistía a una fiesta de este tipo, por lo que sentía muy entusiasmada.

Todos tenían disfraces, así que era difícil saber quién era quién, sin embargo todo estaba tranquilo hasta la hora del juego siniestro.

Mi amiga cerró puertas y ventanas y solo dijo con una voz espeluznante -si no se esconden morirán- todos al instante comenzaron a correr.

Yo no sabía que hacer y salí corriendo a ver donde me escondía, estaba oscuro y no conocía bien el lugar, así que solo me quedé arrinconada debajo de las escaleras.

Todo estaba en silencio, pero de pronto los ruidos espeluznante de cada niño que encontraba, se escuchaba por toda la casa, todos pedían ayuda y piedad.

Los susurros y la voz de aquella chica que ya no parecía ser mi amiga, retumbaban por todo el lugar, ella parecía estar cazando sus presas aquella noche oscura de brujas.

Yo estaba muerta de miedo, lo que más deseaba era salir de hay, cuando de repente vi su sombra en la pared, su cuerpo se veia encorbado, sus piernas semi dobladas, sus brazos largos y se reflejaban unos enormes cuernos en su cabeza.

Tape mi boca para no gritar, ella era un demonio y esto era un juego siniestro muy real, el cual nunca terminaría y ella seguiría cazando uno a uno cada invitado.

Los gritos se siguieron escuchando y esas palabras una y otra vez - atrapado, sino te escondes moriras-, yo solo lloraba en silencio, deseaba nunca a ver ido a esa fiesta.

De repente escuché sus pasos que se acercaban lentamente, sus pisadas fuertes estremecían el piso y las pezuñas de sus patas rasgaban la madera, al igual que sus largas y filosas uñas, cuando las pasaba por las paredes.

Ella se aproximaba y susurraba mi nombre, solo faltaba yo y ella conocía muy bien el lugar, estaba atrapada y ahora moriría, de repente se detuvo quizás frente a mí, no lograba ver nada en la oscuridad.

Sabía que estaba frente a mí, ese olor a putrefacción lo confirmaba, sentí su mano que rozaba mí cuello y ella solo dijo -atrapada, sino te escondes vas a morir-, al mismo tiempo que sonó el reloj y ella solo desapareció.

Story of my authorship, I do not allow the reproduction or modification of the text.


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