Recent news: Men are dying and women are updating herselves!

Image by Elias from Pixabay

You must have noticed columns in science journals and in news all over the globe that Scientists have observed shocking pattern in male DNA. This research indicates that entire human race are in danger. Ohh! sorry not only human race but also other species on earth except a few of them who doesn't have Y chromosome.

Researches have found Y chromosome in male is degrading day by day while X chromosome found in female are getting more organised and updated than never before. Y chromosome in male is getting smaler in sieze. As researchers bring us to the fact that the seize of DNA in Y chromosome now has decreased to below 4% of its initial. Now, the question is if it touches zero, what will happen? Without male, production will stop and hence entire race will be under threat of extinction. Don't be scared, be with me till end, I'll try to break entire research down. Let me inform you that there is a little bit of relief which will be shrared right before I enclose.


Before breaking it down, let us know the diffence between DNA ,Genes and Chromosome. DNA is most basic structure which combine to form Genes and combination of genes forms a chromosome. In simple view 👇


Male XY Female XX

22 pairs of autosomes:These 22 pairs of chromosomes are combinned naturally. Chorsomes with same characteristic form combined with each other; half form male and half from female. As they merges naturally, they are called autosomes amd their type is XX.

23rd pair, The sex decider:

Father's sex is the only reason that decides if the new born is a girl(XX) or a boy(XY). A chromosome X from mother and a chromosome X form father produce a girl while a chromosome X form mother and only a chromosome Y from father can produce a boy. Initially, every life in womb be like a female and later it develops male features when a additional tigger is added because of Y chromosome.

Why Y is dying!

Chromosome Y is poor guy who has no scpoe to be developed or be upgraded unlike chromosome X. To survive here, we need adaptation. If I talk about our daily life, challenges come , we fight, we gather knowledge and update ourself. We become more updated version of ourself as we find more and more odd in our daily life. Our DNA becomes upgraded when it meet new varieties. Chromosomes, X form female and X from male merge and become a better version of previous self exchanging Knowledge among themselves and so it becomes more healthy and upgraded but on the other hand Chromosomes Y find no matching for exchanging features because X and Y never merges and so it always remain the same as it was in the initial stage. Naturally, Chromosome Y always gets rid of deformed genes. At present, Genes in chromosome Y have already lost all other characteristics except Sex determining genes. And so it reduces to lower than 4% of its initial seize. Recombination of DNA is must for evaluation. Chromosome X has evloved and Y ,a primitive version, has never evloved. As the most important part of evolution is fetching variety, lacking of variation makes Y chromosome halt forever.

Let me take a few examples:

Egyptian history: Young king Tuten Khamun and his father King Akhenaten. They used to practise inbreeding to maintain their royal blood line intact. The consequences are not unknow to us. Tuten khamun was not normal at all. He died at the age of 19 becaue of severe health conditon. He was born defomed because of genetic disorder originated by calt of inbreeding. Even his father Akhenaten lived deformed in a way.

Habsburg Family in Europe: They also practiced inbreeding. There family also fetch mental and phsical disorder. Because of their bad shape of jaw line, they were mentioned as Habsburg Jaw.They had to go through various other mental illness also.


So, we are now quite sure about the fact that recombination of variety of genes make it refomed, healthy and upgraded and on the other hand like-genes,while merges, produce weak, unhealthy and degraded ones. Consequences are vidid to us. The same goes to Y chromosome in male. It is primitive and may be,on the card of extinction if not it finds way to survive naturally.

Most of the species on earth have chromosomes X and Y. All of them are sailing in the same boat but a few rare species (A few species of rats). Researchers have found some rare species which has no Y Scientists think somehow they managed to transfer their Y chromosome property to other autosomes. How! I have no Idea; scientists may have. Let's hope human and others species also find a way to tranfer male (Y chromosome ) property to other well developed autosomes otherwise it seems entire life on earth will come to an end , not in years, not in decades but in millions years.

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Regards: @th4488
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