STEMng Digest: Our common wealth is a constant

The world after COVID-19 has been the one of turmoil from the economic point of view. Inflations are at an all-time high the middle-income category seems to be going into extinction. All we have left is a swelling population of the poor and a few rich.

Yet, everyone is talking about how the world being broke is responsible for this condition. Is the world really broke? I will say no. Unless someone is secretly taking our wealth to another planet, I strongly doubt that we are broke. The world's wealth is like an energy which cannot be created nor destroyed, but can be redistributed among the inhabitants of the world.

In other words, the world's wealth became redistributed in the post-COVID world, and the greed of the rich just went up a notch. The common wealth of the world remains a constant.

Welcome to a new edition of STEMng Digest.

Who are we?

STEMng is the Nigerian sub-community of the stemsocial community, a community that has been supporting stem authors on the hive blockchain for about four years now. While stemsocial focuses on everyone irrespective of their country, STEMng is specifically for Nigerians. The best stem contents published by Nigerians on the Hive blockchain are highlighted weekly.

Below are the posts that made it into our digest for this week:

1.@busted1: The Vanishing Rainforests: Navigating the Critical Balance Between Agriculture and Conservation
The threat of hunger or that of climate? Which is better of the 2 evils? If the rainforest should disappear, I doubt the entire world will survive it. In the same vein, if agricultural activities should be minimized in favor of conservation, hunger will gladly welcome us. How then can we strike a balance? This is the theme of our first post for this week. An insightful piece.

2.@ebingo: Nigerian Carbohydrate Sources For Gym Members
You are a workout or a body-building enthusiast or you are trying to lose some weight, you are on hive and you are not following this author, I really don't know what you are doing. The author's article this week is a wholesome one for those who are looking to shed some pounds off their weight. The popular practice is to try and stay away from carbs as much as possible, but this may be a totally bad idea. If you are in doubt, reading this post will have you coming back to apologize.

3.@oluwatobiloba: Detecting the Signs of Autism in a Little Child.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that many people in Nigeria don't know much about and often mischaracterize. Most of the time, the few ones that know about the abnormality get to know about it when it is rather late. Early detection could assist with proper management of the condition. This article talks about autism and how to detect it early in children.

4.@thomisin: What Happens When You Donate Blood
For every second that passes of time, there are people somewhere in the world requiring blood transfusion to save their lives. In other words, there is never an enough blood in any hospital - not in Nigeria, not in any part of the world. Have you ever tried to donate blood? What do you think happens to this blood after you donated? Ordinarily, the whole blood you donated ought to be separated into their components as described in this post, but I doubt this is the case in Nigeria. Read the post and tell me what you think.

5.@sam9999: Your Body's Natural High- Say Hello to Dopamine and Endorphin
Here is a good and fun post to spend time on to learn a bit of endocrinology. Dopamine and endorphin seems to function the same way for those of us that are not medical or endocrinology students, but they are essentially different. What are these differences? Read the post to understand more. Reading it actually shoots your system with some endorphin. You know what I'm saying!

And that ends our selections for this week. Do not forget to give the featured posts/authors your maximum support. Thank you in advance.

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  • to increase the likelihood of being discovered, use the tag 'stemng'.

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See you again next week!

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