STEMng Digest: Bad trees don't produce good fruits.

In Nigeria, the adage "Bad trees don't produce good fruits" holds true in both the metaphorical and literal sense. Just as a tree's health influences the quality of its fruits, a nation's well-being affects its outcomes.

The current Nigerian situation reflects this concept. Despite its potential, corruption and mismanagement have hindered progress, leading to economic disparities and social unrest. Much like a diseased tree yields bitter fruits, a nation struggling with corruption and inequality reaps negative consequences.

To foster positive change, it's essential to address root issues, promoting good governance and equitable opportunities. By nurturing a healthy "tree," Nigeria can eventually bear the sweet fruits of prosperity and harmony.

Welcome to a new edition of STEMng Digest.

Who are we?

STEMng is the Nigerian sub-community of the stemsocial community, a community that has been supporting stem authors on the hive blockchain for about four years now. While stemsocial focuses on everyone irrespective of their country, STEMng is specifically for Nigerians. The best stem contents published by Nigerians on the Hive blockchain are highlighted weekly.

Below are the posts that made it into our digest for this week:

  1. @sam9999: Cancer, Vaccine, more Cancer and of course more Vaccine again !!!
    Cancer gives me nightmares. Not because I have one, but because I've lost a couple of loved ones to it. Our first featured post for this week discusses cancer and the potential that exist in terms of vaccine development for prophylactic treatment. That will definitely come in as one of the best humanity's inventions.

2.@merrymercy: Tired of Exercising, Science is Coming to your Rescue
Exercise pills? Definitely, I won't be a part. Even though everyone knows the importance of exercising, not everyone can find the right motivation for continued exercise. Some don't even exercise at all! Perhaps this set of people will find some of the information in this post interesting. A pill that can do the trick of exercising. Did anyone just scream?

3.@oluwatobiloba: Dispelling Myths: Screens, Eyes, and the Truth Behind the Hype
This is a post I am personally invested in. Too much screen time affecting the eyes is something I've never bothered to fact-check. It seems this author just unearthed a gem. Whether the claim that too much screen time affect the eyes or otherwise is true will probably depend on how further one can read. But the post is a good start, no doubt.

4.@busted1: Looking at the Hidden Health Hazards of Gas Stoves beyond Cooking
This post had me on the edge and will probably do the same to you if you have a gas stove at home. Since gas has become the primary go-to source of cooking energy in an average Nigerian home, very little has been invested in researching the hazards that could be associated with gas stove usage beyond the explosion of the gas cylinder. Reading this post will give another insight entirely. Now, I need to take more precautions!

5.@nattybongo: Pappilledema
I have learned more about the eyes on Hive than I have ever learned in school. A huge thanks to this our favorite ophthalmologist. This week, an abnormality that can render one totally blind is the subject of discussion. Papilledema, as this abnormality is called, may sound strange to our ears, but definitely not the ears of those that are suffering from it. Perhaps reading about it now may be our own saviour from it in the nearest future.

And that ends our selections for this week. Do not forget to give the featured posts/authors your maximum support. Thank you in advance.

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  • Write original content or videos
  • Make it as interesting as possible
  • Adopt beautiful layout/formatting
  • Personalize your writing (it is social blogging, remember)
  • Use copyright-free images
  • Include references (facts over fiction)
  • to increase the likelihood of being discovered, use the tag 'stemng'.

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See you again next week!

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