Hello hive people,how are you all? Hope you are doing well and i am too and we all know that we are learning about lower limb and we finished two major nerves one is Common peroneal nerve and Tibial nerve and now we are going to learn about two major nerves in this single post itself.the two major nerves are Femoral nerve and Obturator nerve


It is originated from Posterior division of L2,L3,L4

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Femoral nerve supplies to Anterior compartment of thigh

What are the muscles present in anterior compartment of thigh?

  • Sartorius/tailors/honeymoon muscle(longest)

the name of sartorius muscle is originated from the Latin word ‘sartori' which means tailors (in the medieval times). The tailors or ‘sartori' sit in a distinctive manner with their legs crossed over one another, this made the muscle quite prominent, so it is called as the Tailor's muscle.

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It is also called honeymoon muscle

the reason is what the couple going to do after marriage? They go to honeymoon right.in honeymoney if the are intimated and engaged then female partner is going to contract her sartorius muscle so that it causes abduction and lateral rotation of both the thighs and going to expose the vagina for her partner.so it called honeymoon muscle.i am not married so i don't know much.married couple knows well about this muscle and its action😜

  • Quadriceps femoris
    It has 4 heads -
    a)Vastus lateralis
    b)Vastus medialis
    c)Vastus intermedius
    d)Rectus femoris

  • Pectineus muscle(lateral ½)

Pectineus is a composite muscle or hybrid muscle which is supplied by two nerves femoral nerve and obturator nerve

  • Femoral nervealso supplies to the ilacus muscle in the iliac fosssa


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Sensory supply

1)Saphenous nerve(cutaneous branch) - it supplies the skin on the medial side of leg and foot upto great toe


It is the longest cutaneous branch in the body

2)Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh
3)Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh

  • Lateral cutaneous nerveof thigh comes from L2 and L3.it usually comes above the inguinal ligament but in some cases it goes beneath the inguinal ligament where it might get compressed and gives a clinical condition known as Meralgia paresthetica

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Femoral sheath is divided into 3 compartments.Femoral nerve doe snot pass through the femoral sheath and it is outside of the sheath.

Then the femoral nerve is divided into anterior and posterior division by Lateral circumflex femoral artery


Anterior division

  • supplies to sartorius
  • Medial cutaneous nerve of thigh(sensory branch)
  • Intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh(sensory branch)

Posterior division

  • 4 heads of Quadriceps -
    a)Rectus femoris
    b)Vastus lateralis
    c)Vastus intermedius
    d)Vastus medialis
  • it gives saphenous nerve which supplies skin on medial side of leg and foot upto great toe

nerve to rectus femoris gives a branch which is going to supply the hip joint

Pain from hip is referred to the medial side of the leg and foot through femoral nerve


It is originated from Anterior division of L2,L3,L4

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It supplies medial compartment of thigh

What are the muscles present in medial compartment of thigh?

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  • Adductor longus
  • Adductor brevis
  • Adductor magnus(Adductor part)
  • Pectineus muscle(Medial ½)
  • Gracilis muscle or antirape muscle

It is called antirape muscle because when it contracts it adducts and medial rotate the hip joint so that the thighs comes near to each other.it is a custodian to virginity prevents/protects from sexual assault or rape.

  • Obturator externus muscle

They are divided into 3 groups

SuperficialPectineus and Adductor longus
MiddleAdductor brevis
DeepAdductor magnus

Obturator nerve is divided into two divisions Anterior and Posterior division and they supply -

Anterior divisionPosterior division
PectineusAdductor magnus
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis


It gives a branch to hip joint and the genicular branch of obturator nerve pass through Adductor hiatus and supply the knee joint.so any pain in the knee joint is referred to the hip joint via obturator nerve and vice -versa

Adductor magnus muscle

Its origin is Ischium and is inserted on linea aspera femur


The profunda femoris artery is a branch of femoral artery and it further gives branches that go behind the posterior aspect of the thigh via the perforations in the Adductor magnus muscle and these branches are called Perforator branches

The second perforator branch is called Nutrient artery of femur

Structured passing through the Adductor hiatus

  • Femoral artery
  • Femoral vein
  • Genicular branches of obturator nerve

Medial/Tibal collateral ligament is the remnant of Adductor magnus tendon

Lateral/Fibular collateral ligament is the remnant of Peroneus longus

All the major nerves of lowelimb are over.so i request whoever reading my posts please go through my previous again and again and at the end you are good at this subject.

Thanks for reading,
With regards

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