Meteor showers and their effects.

Meteor showers and their effects.

To see the brightness of the meteors we must look for an elevated place away from the lights of the towns and direct our attention towards the constellation of Perseus, since the meteors will appear to come from there, these meteors are mostly the size of grains of sand the size of small cigars, enter the Earth's atmosphere at an astonishing 21,000 km per hour, at that speed you can go from Madrid to Tokyo in less than 3 minutes.

When they reach about 100 or 90 km in height, the friction with the gases in the Earth's atmosphere causes the small fragments to begin to shine and burn. This flash is what we see as a shooting star. Sometimes there is some remains larger than the size of a soccer ball or a travel suitcase, then the Flash is more intense, if its flash exceeds the brightness of Venus, it is said to be a fireball and if its flash is greater than that of the full moon, then we can say that We have seen a super car.


All these objects disintegrate in the atmosphere, leaving their flash as a single memory, which according to tradition is used to make a wish, and they also leave a trail of smoke, which are tiny particles that cause the polar mesospheric clouds, although I like the other one. The term "notile lucent" clouds because they have a special shine, an extraterrestrial shine like this one that you see captured on June 14, 2024 over Austria by Michael Jaeger.

The images are accelerated to appreciate the undulating and almost hypnotic movement of this cloud, the thing about extraterrestrials is well said, they are at least 50%, since they are a product of the smoke of all the space fragments that enter our atmosphere that do not There are few, between the small ones like those that cause star showers and the somewhat larger ones that end up fragmenting them. and in the end we can find its remains in the form of a meteorite, it has been calculated that there are about 40,000 tons of extraterrestrial material that is added to the mass of the Earth every year.

The other 50% of a bright cloud is the terrestrial water vapor, which in the warm times of the year rises to a higher altitude, reaching those smoke particles that are about 83 km high, the vapor covers it, there it makes very cold and it ends up turning into ice and the last ingredient to see these strange clouds is that the sun is low either at dawn or at dusk, it is at that moment when the clouds shine like ghosts from the high regions of the atmosphere.


The images without reference were created with AI
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