Let's discuss the pathophysiology of nephrotic syndrome


I have once asked myself what exactly is the reason why people suffers from kidney related disease. This question keeps coming in my mind for a while now, could it be that some of the things we eat are the major reason why we suffers from this disease.

The worst part of it is that children of 5 to 10 years of old are also passing through that predicament as well. This kept me wondering what is really the problem and why is it increasing on daily occasion.

Through out this week I have not been able to have time for myself due to a case of kidney issue of someone very close to me. It all started two weeks ago when the child mother called me and was telling me some things she was observing for a while now in his child's body.

To me, I taught it was just a normal ailment children use to have not knowing that it has eventually gone beyond that. A lot of changes which includes swelling of the body, changes in urine colour, and stomach pains starts to develop.

At this point my suggestion was to go for laboratory test, this will enable us to know what the issue is and to know what we are treating.

After said and done, laboratory test was conducted on him only to discover that he was battling with nephrotic syndrome.
I never knew a child as little as he is could possibly come down with such ailment.

Today I will be talking on nephrotic syndrome. What is it really all about, is there anyway we can reduce the rate at which this happens.

Nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes your body to pass too much protein in your urine.
Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by damage to the clusters of small blood vessels in your kidneys that filter waste and excess water from your blood. The condition causes swelling, particularly in your feet and ankles, and increases the risk of other health problems

Nephrotic syndrome is becoming something else in our society this days even both in children and adults.

This is caused by the inability of the kidney to filter out protein when blood are being pushed to the kidney. This could be as a result faulty glomerulus due to inflammation or hyalinization that makes it possible for protein to pass through the cell membrane in other to appear in urine. This protein includes albumin and antithrombin.

A healthy kidney does not allow the passage of protein through it. It filters out the necessary components needed by the body and sends it inside of the body. But in damaged or faulty kidney the kidney lacks the ability to do its work. This now leads to the presence of protein and other components of the body in the urine.

There are possible causes of this nephrotic syndrome which includes

diabetic kidney disease

People who are suffering from diabetes has a lot of side effect associated with it, which one of them is kidney disease.

Some people who suffers from Diabetes are more likely to come down with kidney problem due to a damage of part of the kidney called the glomerulus. Once the glomerulus is affected the entire kidney is also affected and this can automatically lead to kidney failure.

minimal change disease

This is one of the major cause of kidney problem in children. This is a kidney disease that seems to be idiopathic even after a series of test done to determine the actual cause of it.

This is mostly seen in children and the actual cause of it is unknown.

Membranous nephropathy

This is a kidney disease that has to do with thickening of membrane around the glomerulus. This is mostly due to a deposit by the immune system.

This can also be associated with other medical conditions such as hepatitis B, lupus and cancer.

factors possible to increase the rate of nephrotic syndrome

Like I said earlier, there are setting kind of disease which are more likely to increase the chances of someone coming down with this nephrotic syndrome.

These includes, lupus, diabetes amyloidosis and reflux nephropathy

Medication: there are setting medication if when taken can increase the chances of someone coming down with nephrotic syndrome this includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to fight infections.

Infection: this is one of the most common aspect where we can easily get nephrotic syndrome. Most people who are infected from one disease or the other should take adequate care of there body in other not to escalate to more severe cases.

Possible infection that could result to nephrotic syndrome are hepatitis B and C, hiv and malaria.


In this article, I am more or less like explaining to us what nephrotic syndrome is all about. This is a kidney related complications which could be fatal when necessary precautions are not being taken.

Knowing much about this disease and the possible way we can follow in other to protect ourselves we go a long way in helping us. I believe that with this explanation above we can be able to reduce hand in some of the things that might predispose us in getting infected.

nephrotic syndrome
Pathophysiology of nephrotic syndrome
Everything You Need to Know About Nephrotic Syndrome
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