Genesis chapter eleven verse seven, “...on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth...”. The surface of Planet Earth is 70 percent water, but, could there be more water residing within.

After the discovery of a diamond form the mantle of the Earth, Graham Pearson, a lead study author and a geochemist at the University of Alberta in Canada said, “ It's actually the confirmation that there is a very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth”

Ringwoodite is a mineral, it is a type of olivine that is formed when subjected to high temperatures and pressure with the earth’s mantle, it was first identified in a meteorite in 1969.

Studies have shown that Ringwoodite contains hydroxide ions (oxygen and hydrogen bound together), this suggests that Ringwoodite alone can contain up to triple of all surface water on earth hundreds of kilometers deep within the mantle.

Ringwoodite is 1.5 percent water(solid). It is formed due to plates tectonics. Tectonic plates move and pull Crust at the bottom of the ocean into subduction zones after which, they are pulled into the mantle and end up stuck within the mantle transition zone.

The subducted crusts which have absorbed water form the ocean serve as source of trapped water, they are retained in the mantle transition zone and may never resurface again. Pearson said. "The transition zone seems to be a graveyard of subducted slabs."

Keepler, a fellow scientist on Pearson’s team also noted that the volcanic eruption that surface the deep diamond may have come from a water-rich Part, this indicates the possibility that Ringwoodite may contain less water than speculated.

The presence of water rich Ringwoodite has its implications on planet Earth, the presence of Ringwoodite on Earth further strengthens the speculation of life on other planets as water is a key factor in developing and sustaining life.

“While ringwoodite has been found in meteorites, no terrestrial sample had ever been discovered before Graham Pearson came along. Due to the extreme depths at which it is formed, this elusive mineral is inaccessible for direct fieldwork.”

The existence of a possible underwater ocean raises the question, just how much do we know about what resides within our planet.

The pictures were gotten from pixabay and AI generated by Meta AI.

>[Source](https://www.earth.com/news/ringwoodite-mineral-confirms-vast-ocean-exists-400-miles-under-earths-crust/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rare-diamond-confirms-that-earths-mantle-holds-an-oceans-worth-of-water/ https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringwoodite)

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