Weekly Science And Technology Reports - October 22, 2023


Hello everyone everyone, how are we all doing today?

Don't tell me you aren't doing okay because now is the time to be feeling more than okay, even if it would seem the other way.

How about I cheer you up with this very simple but funny riddle.

"I only have one friend who happens to have no friends, what does that make me ?

Simple, "a lonely buffoon". πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Take it easy guys, that's not me, it's just a joke.

Alright frenz, let's begin with the proceedings.

Nature’s Secret Code: How Plants β€œTalk” Through the Air

It would seem like we know much about plants but the truth is, there's still a lot we don't know. Plants despite being living things are often times overlooked or treated like they aren't even living, partly due to their physiology and apparent noninteraction or simply, they aren't like animals so we could do them as we please. I have in the past presented us with a report about plants seemingly cry when hurt, here is another report suggesting plants too can talk to each other, especially warning their fellow plants of imminent danger. 😳

But how?

Keep reading to find out and more. Vegetarians that are vegetarians for the sake of not wanting to hurt animals, what's gonna be your excuse now? πŸ˜‚

If the first solar entrepreneur hadn't been kidnapped, would fossil fuels have dominated the 20th century?

If I asked if solar energy for the generation of electrical power (for our homes) is a relatively new technology compared to the use of fossil fuels, some of us, if not most would say yes.
Well, that's partly true but solar energy generation of electrical power is much older than you think and it fell in the wrong side of history. It would have competed with fossil fuel use and possibly dominated the world today, and in turn we may not be complaining of the bad effects the dominance of fossil fuel use had on our environment, especially climate change. It appears there's a story that has been left out of history, there seemed to have been a sabotage......keep reading. Welcome my brethren.......to the scam civilization. 🀭

Bacteria found in desert pave the way for paint that produces oxygen while capturing carbon

Hey guys, scientists just developed a living paint, thanks to a certain kind of bacteria but..........keep reading to find out more.

Hold on, do not leave yet. Rumors are that the bacteria used for the paint could help us in colonizing Planet Mars. 🀫

Your Very Own Consciousness Can Interact With the Whole Universe, Scientists Believe

Consciousness again?

Yeah, no matter how hard we try to understand it, it just keeps eluding us and bringing in more confusion. The consensus is that it's we humans that possesses consciousness and our individual consciousness seems to live or reside within us (especially in our brain/head). I wonder what makes us believe so, what if our consciousness extends beyond us and interacts with the universe as a whole?

There are experiences that also suggests this too. Perhaps, this report would save me the stress of not reporting in full. A renowned physicist partnering with a renowned spiritualist ? 😳

Looks like physics is about to go spiritual. 😹

A new view of all objects in the universe

Breaking news: Scientists have finally constructed a chart of our universe at all observable scales (quantum world to cosmic world). You can think of the charts as the periodic table of the universe and used for predictions of as yet discovered structures/objects, and for reference purposes. But there seems to be something quite off about the chart, it predicts the existence of very strange things, including the possibility that we may exist inside of a black hole......keep reading to find out more. Seems like we maybe trapped in our universe for forever, sorry guys no multiverse trip. 🀭

A Solar Shield Tied to an Asteroid Could Be Just What We Need to Cool Earth Down

When the rays of the sun is just too hot, some of us tend go out with an umbrella to protect our precious beautiful skin. Let's magnify this scenario to planetary scale, some scientists believe our planet too needs an umbrella - this is gonna be so big, except that the name would now become "a shield".

But why would our planet even require a shield/umbrella in the first place?

I think some of us may already know but still........keep reading as not to embarrass yourself in front of yourself.

These guys are f*cking joking. 😹😹😹😹😹

It is here we conclude today's report, have a thoughtful day and till i come your way again next week.

Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @stemng, @lemouth and the @Steemstem team for your valuable supports.


Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
If you enjoyed my jargons.

Background image source by @doze

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