Plastic & Wood Sawdust Waste Treatment for Environmentally Friendly Building Materials


Garbage has become one of the biggest problems in life in modern civilization. Garbage that comes from chemical-based waste, makes them very difficult to decompose. This of course will greatly affect the health of the environment, and also has a negative effect on the survival and comfort of human life

Good waste management is a dream. At the same time, the use of chemical or plastic waste is one of the products which can be reused also holds great hope in tackling the massive circulation of waste on earth.

One aspect that is possible and has been tested for utilizing waste is building materials. Currently, although there is not much use of materials from plastic waste to be used as building materials, but those ideas and hopes slowly began to materialize. Starting from the use of prototypes for pilot buildings, and also private buildings. So how is the process of making building materials from plastic waste?

Utilizing plastic waste into building materials

One way to manage plastic or chemical waste is to recycle. In terms of utilizing waste, especially plastic waste into material, it must go through several process stages.

Namely by utilizing plastic waste into a composite which is a combination of sawdust and recycled plastic. This composite has the advantage of a combination of the strong properties of wood with plastic that can increase strength, as well as being water and termite resistant.

Plastic waste that is used can use used bottled water bottles, or plastic cups. Meanwhile, the sawdust can be adjusted according to the natural products that exist in each country. Especially for Indonesia, I think sengon sawdust can be an option.

In the composition used, among others, it has a composition of approximately 60% teak powder, 30% High Density Polyethylene, and 10% additives.

teak powder60%
High Density Polyethylene30%

Making process

  • Filter setup
    Preparation of this filter or material aims to get wood powder or flour that has a uniform water content and size.

  • Preparation of recycled plastic waste.
    This plastic waste is sorted according to their respective types. Don't forget to wash and then dry. The next step is to reduce the size of the waste with a grinder.


  • Blending.
    Here the two ingredients are mixed in one container. The time required depends on the type of plastic used.

  • Composite forming (palletizing)
    Here it forms a composite into a pellet, don't forget to add a coupling agent so that the results are good and satisfying.

  • Stages of formation and testing.
    We can shape the pellets that have been formed earlier to our liking and do testing so that the products that have been produced are produced with perfect conditions so that we can use them.



recycled plastic composites and also wood waste are one of the waste materials that we can use to turn into building materials. This utilization is certainly very positive for the preservation of the environment we live in.



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