Int 907 with Denise “The Interstellar Teller” Martin and Domonic Kay and Brad Sandlin

by The Missing Link on The Missing Link
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: Int 907 with Denise “The Interstellar Teller” Martin and Domonic Kay and Brad Sandlin

Denise “The Interstellar Teller” Martin — As an abductee, experiencer, and contactee since the 1970s, Denise realized that the profound nature of her experiences wasn't by mistake. She's used sharing these experiences as a gateway to bringing people together to discuss and share their stories openly.
As a mother whose son was a member of the Hybrid Super Soldier program, Denise is very aware of the cosmic and spiritual warfare that has been and still is taking place as it battles for control of planet Earth. Another important part of her life’s purpose is to raise awareness, assist in bringing Light to others, and help humanity ascend dimensionally to a new golden age.
This lifelong ability has also led her to hone her abilities in channeling, automatic writing, accessing Akashic Records, and serving as a Galactic Spiritual Coach. Since dedicating her soul to this life’s purpose, she’s become officially credentialed and has acquired accredited certifications in:
• BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing)
• Akashic Records
• Reiki I & II
• Channeling
• Starseed Guidance
• Spiritual Counselling Skills
• Scrying Ceremony Facilitator
• Meditation Teacher
• Cacao Ceremony Facilitator

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Domonic Kay ¬— As a traveler of the inner worlds, a clairsentient empath, clairvoyant, and ET experiencer, Domonic discovered early in life a passion for unraveling the truths hidden beneath the multiple layers of distortion and deception so insidiously prevalent on this three-dimensional planet.
Her life journey led her to become a certified hypnotherapist and a licensed psychotherapist with a master’s degree in counseling psychology. Her career path as a clinician led her to specialize in and become an expert in treating PTSD, gaining a reputation as a trauma treatment specialist and certified in advanced EMDR protocols. She’s helped countless people heal from the trauma that humans often experience.
Domonic is an excavator of ideas, an avid researcher, and a connoisseur of stories of all kinds: fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, fantasies, fairytales, dramas, mysteries, and, of course, the ET phenomena with its long history of cover-ups. She has studied many mystical ancient texts that give detailed instructions and warnings about wandering spirits and dark magicians living around, above, below, and within our planet. She is a visionary and a sacred storyteller. Domonic is a guide between the dimensions dedicated to sharing higher-dimensional realities to awaken us to our cosmic origins. She has been a dedicated meditator in the Eastern tradition for 40 years, and upon retirement, she became a published author of “This Embodied Life: A Holographic, Three-Dimensional Virtual Reality Game."

Brad Sandlin — From an early age, Brad has been driven by a deep curiosity about life’s biggest questions—exploring the origins of existence, philosophy, religion, and education. His constant search for answers set him apart from his peers. At just five years old, a playground accident left Brad with a severe concussion and head trauma, an event that profoundly changed his brain development and reshaped his cognitive abilities. This early trauma forever altered his perception of the world.

His recovery revealed remarkable intellectual abilities—reading at an advanced level and writing with exceptional precision. Navigating a challenging home environment, libraries became his refuge, and knowledge became his therapy. In addition to healing from complex trauma, he pushed himself through athletic pursuits, competition, and writing, exploring the limits of both body and mind.
After college and following the social programming instilled since birth, he identified the cracks in the system. Only after recognizing repeated patterns that no longer served him did Brad experience a profound spiritual awakening. He began to see through the illusions of society’s structures, realizing humanity was trapped in a hidden matrix. This revelation led him down a new path of healing and self-discovery. Through modalities like EMDR therapy, psychedelics, yoga, meditation, and ancient esoteric knowledge, Brad now connects to others with an open heart, sharing his journey of transformation and growth.

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