A Glitch in The Matrix


There appears to be a glitch in the system...

Ok Rewind this week, No I'm not done with my rental but Blockbuster just sent me a message from the 90s and they want The Time Machine back. Not the new one, The 1960 one with Rod Taylor in it.

They can fuck off, I'm Keeping it.

Its on VHS and I don't even have a Video player to play it on. Tried shoving it in the toaster but the damn thing just wouldn't play.

Where am I goin with this? Good question let me grab a beer (Or Three) and something to smoke and I will enlighten you on this, My week of Mondays.

A few cold ones always helps fix the problem.

Currently I have spent just over 7 days with no WIFI No Spotify, No DEFI and no way to even stream tunes on the Hi-Fi.

That's Right, 7 whole days operating at less than the speed of a 56k modem connected to a calculator.

No WhatsApp and no Hive, No checking the crypto market frantically to guess the direction of the huge number of meme Tokens I have no real real reason to keep track of.

Anyone know any good Rugpulls to invest in?


Got My financial advisor ready.

Just me, The Missus and whatever we can muster together in the way of entertainment. Cant really write a post about that now can I?

Sadly it also meant waiting at times for details to load on the screen, orders for the various online businesses I have goin. I Still had parcels to pack and boxes to send. It just took 100 times longer than normal.

Who would have thought The 5 lines of a postage address contained so much data...


Left lots of time to play with the cat...

See where we live (Middle of Bumfuck Nowhere) I opted for a 4G router with a dedicated SIM and we both have unlimited data contracts on our phone.

If ones down usually one of us has the ability to hotspot the devices around the house.

Up until this strange Alien Invasion into the brain washing and mind control network, we have been perfectly happy with the signal and internet.

Now I'm second guessing, the option.

Occasionally I could get ecency to load on my phone, and cast upvotes without reading the post. It felt Dirty. I could have upvoted pro or anti anything.

Spiked Porcupine Dildos, Furry porn, or even Worse quitting drinking.


At least we still had modern lighting.

Now I'm 50% back online. Everything works at a 3G level. Thankfully I can mostly get web pages to load and reply to emails and messages. I'm just a wee bit behind.

I appear to have been tagged up to make an OXYMEL, so I'll definitely get on that right away. I'll have to hit the market today to get some odds and ends together.

Otherwise I can spend a few hours later reading what I missed and handling the old emails, death threats, etc. You know the normal shit.

So Yeah I been gone a bit and now its time to play catch up.

That basically sums up this last week that seemed to be full of irritation, aggravation and a whole lotta other words that end in ion.

I guess solar flares, faulty broadcasters, or the old Wifi gestapo finally decided I was due for some censorship.

My Service provider cant give me an explanation anyway.

But regardless I'm Back online.

Did you Miss Me?

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