What a shitty week

11am and I'm already lying on my sofa at home, something I try not to do as it's just sloppy imho.

It's day five since I got a really bad bout of flu. Every day is a new day waking up to different symptons.

Day 1 Sunday - I started coughing a lot, I didn't realise it until late into the day and thought, maybe I'm unwell?

Day 2 Monday - I woke to the horror that I suddenly remembered it was my Pinmapple curation shift the previous night. I totally forgot about that. We aim to curate roughly every 24 hours so we get to all the posts before the golden curation window. A 12 hour delay mean some worthy content may not get as much support as they could. Not Ideal.

I started to get a bit of sore throat and stuffy nose and felt a quite shitty. No rest sadly, as I got 2kg of fresh mushrooms that needed to be batch cooked into mushroom soup before they go off. I spent the whole morning chopping, sweating, cooking and blending them and ended up with 10 portions. I was totally knackered in the afternoon.

Then I realised we don't have any food at home coz we haven't gone shopping for a long time. We can hardly survive on just mushroom soup all the time.

I brain is so fluffy I can't even remember what I ate that evening.

Day 3 Tuesday - was tossing and turning coughing all night and didn't get out of bed till 10am. Still have no food at home for breakfast, food doesn't miraculously appear overnight by themselves. I managed to rummage a few biscuits from a tin I bought a while ago. What would we do without our King 👑 🙃

I haven't left home for four days and figured I have to drag my lazy ass out to get some food. Mushroom soup and biscuits does not make an ideal meal especially when you are unwell. Also got some lemon and honey to make lemon honey drink for my flu which is getting worse. My stomach or diaphragm or somewhere around that part of the body starts to hurt when I cough now. Then I saw someone post an onion and honey remedy for cough on Hive and thought maybe I should try that. But I couldn't be bothered to chop any onions.

Day 4 Wednesday - I wish I did. The next morning I woke up even worse than the day before. The cough medicine I been taking was no use at all. As if coughing all night isn't bad enough, when you have a blocked nose and can't breathe, you can only breathe through your mouth. That means keeping your mouth open all night, getting a dry throat which exacerbates the cough.

On Day 4, I had an errand to run and had to drive 20 miles to get there. Balancing the importance of the errand and my condition, I decided to still go ahead. During the day, Nose couldn't make up it's mind whether it wanted to be runny or blocked and that's so annoying. I hate indecisive people, and organs, even if it's my own! I was sucking lozenges, and had tissues handy all the way to ensure a safe drive. When I got home at 10pm I was totally knackered. I think there are signs my flu is getting a bit better ( I shall spare you the symptons) but I'm still coughing a lot. I figured I'd get my act together and chop some onions make the honey thing.

Day 5 Thursday Throughout the night I was still coughing a lot, but when I woke up in the morning, Nose was normal. No blockage or runny nose 🥳. I was still coughing, and now everytime I coughed there was a shot of pain on the left abdomen. I checked some body anatomy diagrams from the internet and that's where the intestines are. Weird. Maybe the intestines are crying for attention because I been feeding it too much mushroom soup and biscuits.

It's taken me two hours to write this post coz Nose has started to misbehave again. I have boxes of tissues and water all within arm's reach around my sofa coz it's actually very comfortable to just plonk here, not move and feel sorry for myself.

11am + 2 hours = lunchtime. Help!!!!!!

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