How do you maintain writing streak?


Last week was fun for me. I found myself writing consistently throughout the week, and I was glad and excited, thinking I was finally going to pick up a writing streak. But, surprisingly, this week came, and I noticed myself drifting away from online activities. Life can be very funny; sometimes, it gives us a good run, and other times, everything feels dim and dull.

I had a lot to do yesterday (Friday), and waking up this morning—Saturday—the awareness that it's going to be a free day nudged me to pick up my keyboard and just type something. Even if it’s something that doesn’t make sense, I just want to make sure I write, as that usually gives me ideas on how to tackle other pieces.


But then, keeping a writing streak is not easy at all, and I envy people who write every day. I wish I were like them. I know how the system works and the importance of engaging with others to get noticed, but it's not get paid and motivated to continue writing. Sometimes, I’ll write two or three articles and end up getting nothing out of it, which can really demotivate me. Even when I join writing prompts, they rarely come through for me, and that discourages me from writing more prompts. Many of them are difficult to craft, and it’s disheartening to put in all that effort and see no results.

Nevertheless, I want to try picking up a writing streak—maybe three to four times a week—and I’ll use my time to engage more to see if fortune will smile on me. People often say we shouldn't write with the expectation of being paid, but how do they manage that? I think it’s all pretentious when they claim they aren’t here for the money because, if that were true, they wouldn’t be putting in so much effort. I guess if they were truly uninterested in payment, they’d be more active on popular social media like X and Facebook. But even those platforms are paying now. I’m writing for the money, and I’m not mincing words about it.

Interestingly, as I write this, I find it flowing easily with music playing in the background. Maybe I should always adopt this method. I’m counting the words as I go and smiling at how easily I hit 400+ words without feeling stressed, which is unusual for me. Perhaps it’s because this is a rant, or maybe it’s the loud music in the background. Who knows?

Well, let’s stop here. I hope Ecency doesn’t reduce my word count when I post this on the front end.

Thanks for reading my rant.

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