🎶 I'm Going Through Chaangeees! 🎶

I've been going through phases; does anyone else experience similar? Not but a week ago, I was on a roll! Infinite energy, zipping through my errands, endless inspiration, actually able to keep up with our toddlers...

Then things shift, and suddenly everything is the complete opposite.

Suddenly I have no drive -- for anything! I have no inspiration to cook, or read, or post, or play with the kids. Even an idle task, like watching a video, becomes an impossibility as I try to find ways to fill the time, despite being restless for anything else! 😩 Going outside becomes a chore. Even sex can be difficult when the need is not present but you have to attend to someone else's...

(Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

Then, within a week or so, I begin to feel myself coming back and things return to normal! 🙏

But as I get older (or perhaps since becoming a mother), I find the phases come more and more frequently. I will wax and wane between productivity at least several times a month, whereas before I could go on and on for months.

The important thing, I no longer challenge the funk. As soon as I feel the lack of motivation, I simply trudge forward and wait until I feel like myself again.

Personally, I enjoy blaming the planets -- all of outer space entirely -- for these problems. There are the phases of the moon itself obviously, a phenomena I'm sure we have all experienced as the moon pulls at our hearts the way it pulls at the tides. And there is the influence of all 8? planets (does astrology still count Pluto?? 🤔). The furthest planets, such as Neptune and Uranus, especially fascinate me; their orbits take so long to complete that it affects us at a societal and generational level!

But then there is also the influence from the electromagnetic field; I'm sure many of us felt a bit wonky after this year's solar eclipse! 🌞 This is because we ourselves produce electricity; we have our own magnetic fields. It's why "picking up vibes" and "you attract what you put out" are all very real sentiments. Similar to 2 powerful magnets snapping together or pulling apart, the electromagnetic field will have a tremendous affect on us.

Take my city, for example. Just the other day we witnessed a beautiful sky full of faint northern lights. The following day, there were 5 car accidents, 2 of which were fatal, and a Palestine protest where protestors burned Canadian flags.

Needless to say, all of these things combined will affect us both individually and collectively.

Outer space is probably responsible for most of the phases that we go through, throughout all of history as well. "Hard times create strong men, good times create weak men, etc." It's why we are bound to repeat the same mistakes; perhaps it is inevitable.

We cannot go against nature, regardless of how extensive and vicious the cycle may be...

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