Under the weather


I've been under the weather since we got back from Abuja and this has interfered with the plans I had for the week. I wanted to play badminton today and generally return to doing sports activities but that has to be put on hold for now.

My body has been acting weird for a while now and I reckon it as something to do with the fact that I'm getting older. I'm still not old enough to be classified as old but I have been feeling time taking its toll on me.

The recent issue I'm experiencing has to do with how much I get affected by illnesses that I used to consider to be minor. In the past, I could last 90 minutes in a football pitch with the flu but now, I can't even stand straight for 10 minutes.

The flu I got from my wife has hit me pretty bad I must say. If you ask her, she'd say I'm the cause of it but I think my body spray was only just the trigger because deodorant doesn't necessarily cause the flu.

Over the years, I've noticed that I am very susceptible to the flu, so immediately it was confirmed that she had the flu, I knew I'd be catching it too. We're usually in close proximity with each other, so it was inevitable.

Fortuntely for her, it left her body in like two days but here I am, three days later, still suffering symptoms of the very flu that I allegedly brought into the household.

What I hate most about this feeling is the accompanying muscle pain that comes whenever I sneeze. However, I've taken steps to remedy the situation but that's also making me drowsy and very irritable.

One of the perks of having medical doctor as a brother is that you get free health advise for minor cases. So, I simply rang @ebingo up and told him what I was going through, to which he recommended some drugs I take.

It has been about three hours since I took the first dosage of the prescription and I feel better already. However, there are still five more doses to take and by Wednesday, I should be close to full health if all things go according to plan.

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