

Is it possible to be tired of everything? Ok, that's not how I wanted that to sound. Rather the question should be, Is it okay for everything to seem boring and bland?

I have been praying, begging even for months for some free time to start working on the mountain of goals I have set for myself. And then now I finally have that free time and it's just three days in and I am unmotivated. I refuse to believe it is burnout cause I haven't done anywhere near enough to be burnt out.


Not even sure how today was, but for some reason everything felt a bit bland. I decided to deviate from my plans (the majority) and just relax and do the things that I enjoy doing. But it all just felt tiring, watched a movie, went for a walk, played some games, even talking to friends didn't go as planned. Spent the entire day feeling like I was wasting time while not actually being able to do the things I thought I should be doing. Not sure how to explain it, but I guess it is what it is.

My head is still a bit of a mess so I decided to come to my usual outlets, writing here and music. Even that doesn't feel like it is working. Or maybe it is and I am just not patient enough to let it work, would be so typical of me at this point with how impulsive I can be. I'm guessing sleep would be the best thing to do right now but even with a headache I am not feeling it.


The only good thing about days like this is that they pass and may probably not be memorable (I doubt that about today though, but it is a possibility). I have been through days like this countless times and I hate it every time, but I always get through it. There's no hack to it (or at least I am not aware of it yet). It is all about hanging on and hoping that tomorrow is a lot better. I hope tomorrow is a lot better.



Cover Image created by me using Leonardo AI

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