Pink Kush and Orange Pink Apricot in bloom + Orange Pink Apricot clone and Pineapple Express seedlings

The Pink Kush and Orange Pink Apricot cannabis plants are in bloom with buds stacking up, the Orange Pink Apricot clone just received bent stem training, the Pineapple Express seedling was just transplanted to a larger container.


Pink Kush blooms

The Pink Kush plant has been in bloom for three weeks, five weeks remain until harvest. Starting with the six weeks of vegetative growth and some bent stem training, this plant has grown to a good size bush with a handful of large stalks and many medium sized ones.


It's starting to get chilli in the basement with winter approaching, this plant is showing some beautiful fall colors, even purples are showing up with the night time basement temps dipping below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Some of the lower fan leaves are turning yellow, they'll fall off soon.


Lots of white pistils forming buds, buds stacking up colas, and the bud leaves are shimmering with trichomes, a sweet fruity scent.


A week after pollination, the lower branch bud pistils have shriveled and changed color. This pollinated bud will grow a variety of Pink Kush x Apricot Kush crossbred seeds, they'll be harvested when the buds have finished bloom.


In the picture below you can see the pollinated bud on the left, and a non-pollinated bud on the right. The tips of the non pollinated pistils are just barely starting to shrivel.


This Pink Kush bloom is off to a great start, I'm looking forward to seeing what this plant can do with five more weeks until harvest.


Orange Pink Apricot bloom

This Orange Pink Apricot strain has been in bloom for four weeks, half way done, in four more weeks will be harvested. A handful of major colas, this plant only had five weeks of vegetative growth before being put into bloom.



A sweet citrus orange Apricot scent, lots of thick white pistils, almost half have turned dark orange, but more are still filling in. A decent dusting of white trichomes covers the buds and bud leaves. The buds stacked nicely to form good size colas, buds are starting to grow out of the buds as they thicken.




This Orange Pink Apricot strain's Pink Apricot father strain had tender leaves too, I'll have to remember to keep the LED grow lights a little higher in veg mode so they don't get too bleached from the strong lights. By comparison the Pink Kush strain's tough leaves seem to hold up better to the intense lighting. The Orange Pink Apricot is hanging in there with it's new trichome coating, I'll keep it on the edge to maximize bud growth.



Orange Pink Apricot clone

This Orange Pink Apricot clone has had four weeks of vegetative growth, I'll give it another three or four weeks before putting it into bloom mode.


A week ago this clone had some main stalk bent training, an extension stick was attached to the plant container, so I'll be able to lay low more of the stalk. The goal is to get all the branches tomorrow up at similar heights, for a level leaf canopy for the LED grow lights.

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You can see how the top of the main stalk was tied down. This also opens the lower branches up to more light.

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After a week after training you can see how the branches have grown upwards together to form an upper leaf canopy. Soon enough those branches will make branches, the plant will bush out soon.

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As the main top grows taller, I'll continue to move the rope higher and walk the main stalk horizontally down the plank for a week or two, to maximize the number of major stalks.


Pineapple Express seedling

The Pineapple Express seedling has had two weeks of growth and was ready for transplanting to a larger container.



Many branch nodules, soon after this plant grows more roots, it will get much larger. Off to a good start, this Pineapple Express plant has another five or six weeks until it will be put into bloom.


Have a great day!


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