Durban Violette bloom, Pineapple Express harvest + Orange Apricot and Pink Kush seedlings

The Durban Violette is growing some hefty buds, half way through bloom time. The Pineapple Express cannabis plant was harvested. Pink Kush, Apricot Orange, and Apricot Kush, three new grows have been started.


Durban Violette bloom

The Durban Violette is looking like it has had five weeks of bloom time, four or five weeks remain until harvest.


These Durban Violette buds have an amusing peanut butter scent to them, I'm curious what their scent and flavor will be when finished.


The buds have been stacking up to form colas, thickening with shimmering trichomes starting to appear.


There are mostly white translucent pistils, but some have started to dry and turn orange.


This plant was topped early on during the vegetative growth, the top of the main stalk was snipped so two branches would grow up in it's place. You can see the V shape the two branches make, each branch with an impressive cola.


Stout stalks for the hefty buds, ample light prevents the stalks from stretching out too thin, and a small breeze from a fan conditions them to be strong. My larger LED grow lights have built in fans that blow down onto the plant.


The lower branch bud that was pollinated with Apricot Kush pollen has many more orange pistils - you can see seeds growing in many of the pistil pods, some have split open.


This batch of Durban Violette x Apricot Kush crossed seed varieties will be fun to grow. It's looking like this plant has five more weeks until harvest.


Pineapple Express harvest

After nine weeks of bloom time the Pineapple Express cannabis plant was ready for harvest. Often it takes two weeks to get into bloom mode, but this plant already seemed to be showing at week one, this may be why the plant seems ready a week earlier than previous blooms.


This plant was trained with the top of the stalk tied down, but when bloom time hit the main stalk shot back up to be taller than the other branches. Overall this was still a shorter plant, so there was still plenty of LED light penetration.




One main cola and five or six medium ones, these buds are tight compared to the other grows.



Lots of bright orange pistils, some new white ones, light and dark greens covered with trichomes. The buds have a sweet pineapple and fruity scent to them that hit me in the face whenever I opened the tent door.



After nine weeks of bloom time, the Pineapple Express plant was harvested. After ten days of trimming and air drying, the buds will be cured for a few days before sampling.



Pink Kush seed

This Pink Kush seed took a few days to pop open, soaking in the water. After a couple days in a damp paper towel, it was planted in the dirt.


The seed has barely broke the surface, but it will soon rise up and fully open it's leaves.


This one and the Orange Apricot could have stayed in a damp paper towel a little longer to grow a larger tap root, I feel like it's taking time to let it's roots grow more, before it grows larger leaves.


Orange Apricot sprout

This 'Pink Barb' first generation seed is from the cross breeding of Orange Barb female buds with Pink Apricot male cannabis pollen.


I started soaking this seed a few days ago, it popped and grew a tail in a day and a half.


Over night this planted popped seed rose up from the dirt, it's leaves will open soon, shedding it's shell.


This seedling also seems to be taking a pause to grow roots before starting it's growth spurt.


Apricot Kush seed

Started soaking an Apricot Kush seed, these are not feminized seeds. The first one I planted ended up being a pollen producing male and not a bud producing female, fingers crossed with this one.


Have a great day!


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