DNA found again. This time in Ontario Canada.

These data demonstrate the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA 537molecules per dose in the modRNA COVID-19 products tested.


Dr Phillip Buckhaults identified DNA in the Pfizer injections during the South Carolina Senate enquiry.

This new report, DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response relationship with serious adverse events., identified DNA within a series of vials.

They also correlated the data to the VAERS (Adverse events) reports.

Thanks to Kevin McKernan's Tweet pointing to the report.

This work highlights the need for regulators and industry to adhere to the precautionary principle, and provide sufficient and transparent evidence that products are safe and effective, and disclose the details of their composition and method of manufacture.

The weight of these independent investigations highlight the apparantly deliberate actions of regulators, governments, media and corporations to unleash a product upon a population.

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