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I am the only motherfucker on the internet pointing to a direct source for Voice to Skull, electronic terrorism.


I'm Lance Riedl aka @sqube. I'll more than likely be dead soon as @fyrstikken and his terrorist @steemspeak group are still relentlessly using Voice to Skull on me. It is more than taking its toll. They chant and cheer in my head as people needlessly die.

Politicians, terrorists and shills are being made and kept, by not exposing the depths Voice to skull has already embedded around the world. People are being killed directly due to @fyrstikken inaction. Many pawns are made with this technology. I'm posting this today reminding people to not be naive, money can bring out the worst in you or blind you even. If you are part of this and haven't come forward, you are a pussy. The hairiest kind. The worst has yet to come for you. Many people @steemspeak are dogs....and you are laying with them.

I am the only motherfucker on the internet pointing to a direct source for Voice to Skull, electronic terrorism . They acknowledge this with me. I'm the ONLY fucking one. I have found zero other actual sources for V2k out of thousands of proclaimed victims. Not one has an exact source that I have seen.

Imagine having very distinctly electronic interference in your head and ears 24/7 for three years. Modularly controlling your inner voice with voices that make you hear whatever they want along with hearing audibly, what you yourself are thinking. Think a word or phase in this brain wave zone and it will echo or be chanted, electronically. Any amount of brain activity upon awakening sets it off. There are zero mental illnesses that can recreate this.


V2K controls the dialect, tone and gender of your inner voice('s) with repeated relentless pulsed phrases that create excitement with excited music to a rhythm that is pulsed every second on the second. A brain cannot create this on its own. Ever.

V2K is electronic sounding and feeling with what seems to be subzero latency because they can read portions of your non audible thoughts as well. You realize this as you begin catching on to it. They can only read what you are thinking about. Thought processes have many threads that branch out. They read your reasoning and problem solving area, your ram. Not your mind, the storage. It is very difficult to explain. Your head space becomes a mapable node based xyz axis.

V2K can deliver pinpointed electrical feeling shocks to different areas of your head. They use specific shock points in your head to deliver yes, no ,probably, probably not and think about it. We came to understanding of this with common knowledge, morals, beliefs and personal preference. They answer to and consistently respond yes, no or maybe to things that align with your morals and beliefs to establish this. This is how we communicate silently. All day everyday. Against my will.

They use V2K to say what they want you to hear, not what you wanted to say and hear internally. It is extremely frustrating. It is physically taxing. I mask the sounds and cope with it by repeating over and over in my head things I would never say out loud over and over. Every second, all fucking day, every waking fucking moment. This ensures I don't yell at them out loud. All while dealing with exterior day to day tasks and conversations.

You can for example say "bullshit" in your head, but they make you hear "movie". The programmers control every aspect of the hear able internal spectrum. As I write this they are chanting patronizing "genius" over my deafeningly loud music to deter me from continuing.

Its an electronic feeling shackle for your head. This feeling of microwaves in your head is intense and creates adrenaline on its own with no voices. There is zero chance this is a mental issue and I have zero history of any mental issues. V2K can be as loud as a ball sack shaking amphitheater or as quiet as a mouse fart. Its can jar you with intense immersive 3d sound coming from the "heavens".

V2K can deliver shock wave feeling blasts to either ear at any given time.

V2K is used to make people believe in a god by some or aliens by others. There is no way to tell where it comes from at first. Every scenario goes though your mind and if your susceptible to witchcraft and aliens or gods, you are a target. Sheeple will be sheepled.

These terrorists, @fystikken and his group, yes terrorists. They are electronic terrorists. I think they are building node based algorithms with me to use on future victims. An invisible, slow kill, perpetual argument machine that cant be traced or proven. When you experience V2K, you will understand how it can be used. I'm sure you will get a chance in your lifetime. It is 100% electronically modulated with seemingly node based neural algorithms. It is SICK AS FUCK. It floors you the moment they turn it on. The transmitter I was told by @fyrstikken is the thickness of a human hair. Don't get acupuncture anytime soon.

@fyrstikken and @steemspeak say they are going to expose v2k. As they push forced notoriety on me in every form, I reject every bit of it. @fyrstikken and the people in his gang at @steemspeak push that I'm genius along with a multitude of other patronizing leg humping terms..All day, every day, intense leg humping.

Don't be naive about this @fyrstikken group. This shit is happening and if your on steem, you are already involved. They read my brain waves for about a year before revealing the voice side of v2k to me. They know me very well. They call this the interviewing stage.

They say they're making a movie to expose the sadistic depths of Voice to Skull. How it is used to create terrorists and crush dissenters remotely, silently. They imply I'm the center of this exposing movie they have been documenting. A movie they say proves what has happened to me over the last 3 years. A movie exposing those involved in my drugging and jailing.

V2K is used by “shadow powers” to make terrorists and harm dissenters. It's a silent war only the victim can hear. In full color. Your a fucking pussy @fyrstikken. People are dying and your lackadaisy ass is playing games with shadow powers. Using the excuse of catching the rest of the operators involved in making terrorists. Chanting “other people” in my head and doing nothing in reality while I scratch at the fucking walls you bitch. This man @fyrstikken and the @steemspeak group are fucking terrorists. Steem is a honey pot for on boarding and making examples out of dissenters. I am living proof.

@gangstalking cant even be seen because they downvoted me for telling the truth. V2K is a serious, real scientific issue and should not be censored. They cry decentralization while they run around censoring everyone. If you dont have money on steem you have no voice. Its a sham. They want everyone centralized and jacked into the hive mind they have created. Its some true to life doctor evil fucking shit.** Mark my words, fear @fyrstikken and anyone around him. They are in the deepest of deep fucking shit.**

They use many dopey voices and often as people of color to induce me into verbally hating people of color. I think they are trying to incite racism. There are people of color (tools) involved in this discord based chat room @steemspeak.

The people below are involved in electronic terrorism directly and possibly indirectly through electronic manipulation. They were on @steemspeak since I joined in 2016 when it was a drama radio show. The drama disclaimer in the room included verbiage stating the show was for entertainment purposes only. Allowing them to say whatever they wanted presenting it as theater. Most if not all of these people are involved. The truth always comes out. Hopefully one of you will read this and know what the correct thing to do is. People are dying because of you. Not me. You are harboring terrorists not me. Some of you will blame what I say on drugs, I say your killing people. And terrorism is bad mmmkay....


dan larimer

Let me know if I forgot you?

BTW I refrained from calling your fucking niggers niggers you fucking pussies. All colors have niggers bitch, you know who you are.

My local news station, kobtv ch4, took down the lies the Albuquerque police told about me. The albuquerque justice system has a stalking problem as well. Mucho staging they do do. Original article picture here.


EDIT 06/20/20: The news channels removed the reporting they did on this. They can be seen here.

ch4 kob:

ch13 krqe:

I posted this on reddit here

Update 03/03/2022

The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome @fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism


They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or I'm a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Zcash address: zs1wy3pg963h7wg04wxgqtttj57mnpw33pz9hk2hl4h5rt6n3qgzamwlzsf55346e7xpn6yqynp6xw

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