«The Death Of The Followers»


«The Issue»

Everyone here knows that the content on Hive is not governed or controlled by automated algorithms in order to define which content will be better rewarded and will made them more visible and popular to get to the trending page of the platform.

However, there are other types of non-automated "algorithms" in Hive that are just as harmful, pervasive and counterproductive. And this is none other than the idle, lazy, abundant and opulent capital that the big stakeholders on Hive delegate their HP and put it into the hands of ignorant servile slaves to "curate" content without the slightest criteria of what is quality, value and originality.

In the end, these opulent stakeholders don't care in the least what content is "curated" within the platform by their docile and subservient ignorant slaves, as long as they continue receiving a good cut of their "curation" rewards according to the amount of HP they have granted to these parasitic sycophants without they having to do absolutely anything. Which makes everything as nefarious as automated algorithms.

So stake, the excess of lazy high stake in few hands in a centralized DPoS platform, it acts in a way that is just as appalling and damaging as automated algorithms when it comes to generating original, interesting, valuable and quality content. Which obviously is detrimental to the platform as a whole and also to all the other participants who in it are genuinely trying to generate content worth consuming.

Because currently these "non-automated algorithms" in Hive do nothing but encourage more and more an unbearable amount of useless drivel, plain trash and actual mindless folly as; pointless selfies, makeup tutorials, cooking recipes, movies & videogames reviews, where I went and where I didn't, where I spent my HBD and only crap like that which seems to be the most and better rewarded type of content on Hive.

Which sadly and unfortunately, only increases the desertion of those who really have something interesting and important to say. Or what is even worse, are tempting these same authentic authors to join the tragedy of the commons by giving up publishing their original and valuable content in order to earn a few cents like everyone else.

But not only that, the truly pernicious and worst of all, it is when that same high, idle and lazy centralized stake takes on them the task of harassing, admonishing, persecuting, punishing, ostracize and driving away off the platform to all those who still try to preserve their own voice by creating and generating original content of authentic quality that makes people think and is only sought and appreciated by a truly intelligent audience.

Because when in an online community or ecosystem which for the moment is only being governed by "non-automated algorithms" and we can already clearly witness the decline and degradation of its content that only favors the connivance and complicity among cronies deciding what has value and what have not while hidden in some dark server on Discord.

It won't be long before this high, idle, lazy and centralized HP stake which is currently delegated to a bunch of inept people to "curate" and reward content on a platform. Sooner rather than later it will be algorithmically automated and from that very moment on, not even those parasitic sycophants will be of any use to that rapacious and greedy capital.

Said what has been said, now respond sincerely...

¿How many true followers do you think you have in Hive?

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"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf


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