500 words by 6

This post is going to be a bit of a photo dump with fewer words (probably) than normal...

Because my wife is glaring at me for taking too long.

I had to edit them a bit first on the phone, and that takes some time, so now I am behind schedule and I am being reminded of it just about every thirty seconds. It is like a kid in the car of a long trip...

Are we there yet?

Speaking of kids, Smallsteps is at her grandparent's place for the next two nights for the first time ever. She has stayed there before very occasionally, but this will be the first time we have been more than a night away from her in six years. She is thrilled and we had the chance to get out of the house for a while, just the two of us.

We didn't go far, but we decided to grab a room from a hotel in another city, which has a nice little old town attached to it. Neither of us have been here before and we went for a walk around for a couple hours before check-in. It is pretty and it feels like being somewhere other than Finland in some way, although if this was in Sweden, it would be better maintained. However, there is a certain charm to it with it a little "rundown" and rustic, with wildflowers growing all over the place.

It is a little bit rainy and tomorrow will be even more so, but since this Olympus EM-1 with a pro 12-40 lens doesn't mind getting wet, I will brave the elements tomorrow too. Let's see if that will amount to an image dump with next to no words also.

This is 300 words now... longer than many posts on Hive! :D


A lit of the buildings are crooked, either from when they were made to fit into some space or, from age where they are falling over a bit. But again, quite pretty!



And of course, we had to taste a little cake and ruin my diet...




Look at that fancy umbrella my wife has. A lot of "fancy" people seem to come to this town to get away.

We don't fit in at all.




I don't know why I like this next shot so much, but I took it and you will likely see it again as a cover in a future post.




And this next one too. It is pretty and the colors work really well together.




Oh, and there are all of these different kinds of old doors on the buildings, so hopefully tomorrow I can take a lot of photos of these as the textures are fantastic :)


Right, I don't think I can take much more of the human clock nagging me to get ready for dinner, so I will sign-off here and let the images do most of the work - although, look at that, it is like an article in the news that no one reads...

Give me 500 words by 6!

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