Mega Snow Storm!

My internet has been out for a few days, but it was just restored! My power was out a few time over the last few days, but never for longer than 30 minutes so it wasn't that bad. Highway 80, that goes through the Town of Truckee, California where I live, as been closed but it should be opening back up today. It was a BIG snowstorm!

Fortunately, I know how to deal with and drive in the snow as I have been living here in Truckee for nearly 22 years. I have studded tires on my 4wd SUV (little metal studs, kind of like spikes that protrude out of the tire's rubber). I have lots of flashlights and books to read. I have camping gear that include a propane stove and heater. And I have lots of warm snow cloths. The storm was not a problem for me but some of the newer folks in town seemed to be struggling. Lots of abandoned cars and accidents around town and lots of complaining. Not me, I love this kind of weather!!!

Here are some photos of how things have been looking. There has been a lot of high winds so there hasn't been a lot of accumulation on trees and buildings as it has been drifting off of those and onto the ground. But it has been impressive enough for The Weather Channel to send out a crew and have broadcasts from Downtown Truckee (as seen below). This first set of photos were shot on 3-2-2024.


It had been starting to feel like spring around here before the storm, I think some of the birds were caught off guard...

These guys below were wise to leave the car at home and just get around on snowshoes.

Nope, not much of a fire danger that day....


As you can see below, the accumulation on the tops of the buildings wasn't as impressive as most big snow storms, but the high winds had stuck to the snow to the sides of buildings.









Yesterday morning, 3-3-2024, I took another drive in Downtown Truckee but this time I shot a quick video. I received a lot of comments on it that the snow wasn't looking as impressive as the news has been reporting. Correct. Again, that wind...

And I got out again last night and tried to take more photos. That wind! The snow still really wasn't as impressive looking as I had hoped.


So, this morning, I decided to get out with the cell phone camera and shoot a new series - "The Piles Of Truckee", lol. These piles of snow are actually impressive looking even though I'll never be able to sell the images as fine art prints. This is what our town does with all of the snow. They try to make driving and walking around somewhat reasonable, but the snow they remove has to go somewhere.









Alright, I hope you enjoyed looking at some photos of this Mega Snow Storm that we just had. The weather is reasonable today, no wind or snow. I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to have some nice weather!

Scott Thompson
Scott Shots Photography


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