The fountain pump was fixed.

A follow up, as some asked me to show the fountain after the pump was repaired.

Due to a strong wind, the pump couldn't run at full speed, as the wind wets the whole area around the fountain. On a wind still day, the water spouts up high in a beautiful spray from the top. Sadly, wind still days are rare now in Autumn, as nature is being prepared for our winter rainy season.
I remember how we struggled to get used to the wet winter rain when we moved down here, as we came from a summer rainfall area far away up north in the country. But thankfully after being down here now for 8 years, we have become used to the wet winters.
Come and see some bird action at the fountain.





I learned something interesting here. Do you see the difference between the pigeons above and the pigeons below?
The ones above are the common pigeons and the ones below are what they now call Speckled pigeons. We have always named the ones below Rock pigeons, as they nest in the mountains, and not in the towns.
They also show their differences, as they never mingle with the common pigeons.

Baby at the top, with the parents and a sibling below.


A little Cape Sparrow also popped in for a quick drink.

And here we had a Starling collecting some seeds below the palm tree.

The starling had two babies to feed.

Finally, just to show you again how beautiful the baby speckled pigeon is with its red eyes and feet.

So, I kept my promise to show you the fountain with the pump working again, and I also attempted to show you some different birds that use the fountain. One of the cleaning staff told me that there was also a pair of swallows that nest below a roof overhang, but I don't know if they would drink at the fountain. But I think that if a sparrow can, the swallows also can. We shall see.
The good thing about the fountain, is that predator birds stay away, as people move around in the square to visit the surrounding shops, so that helps to keep the predators away.

I hope that you enjoyed the story and the pictures.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon PowershotSX70HS Bridge camera.

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