Snow and sun rays!

Our first sign of snow on the high mountain peaks and lovely sun rays on another mountain. Plus, a look at the sea.

In South Africa, snow is a rare sight for us, as we don't get snow every winter. Not that we have much down here, but for some reason the areas inland and on the Highveld are covered in snow this year.

A guy came up to me to ask where the bird was that I was taking a photo of?
I told him that I wasn't taking a photo of a bird, as I was taking photos of the snow.

So, I pointed at the snow on the mountain peaks and a crowd started to gather around me as the guy shouted, "SNOW"!
Although I have seen it many times, it still amazes me that people never seem to look up at the mountains and the sky when they are out there. All of them wrapped up in heavy coats and hats like eskimos against the cold, as they hurry around from place to place, and they don't see the snow.
To make matters worse, a soft rain was also falling, but that never stopped me from taking snow shots.

So, you want to know if it was cold? Check this tucked up squirrel.


Time now for mother nature's spotlights. On our way here to the wine farm, I stopped the car and got out to show you the lovely scenes below.

The sun rays were spot lighting the mountain.




Then the rays started moving up the mountain.


That cloud below looked like a big bird landing on the mountain and you can just see where I got the sunray pictures.

And finally, just two more snow pictures below.

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Wonderful to be out on a cold day like this, as there is so much to see.
We also went down to the ocean to show you what the cold sea looked like.



Always something to see here and come rain, hail or sunshine, we are out there to see the sights. Somehow it makes the adrenaline to flow, and I am forever on a high when I see something beautiful. Regarding my posting on hive, I enjoy sharing my passion for nature in my posts and there is such a variety that I never have a blank about what to post. In fact, the beauty that I see always spurs me on to share the views with all here.
They say that hive should be fun, and I agree, as hive is definitely not all about the rewards. Been here now for 6 years and I hope that all of the newbies will also stick it out. All that it takes is compassion and dedication. And of course, also kindness in the engagements with everyone else.

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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