Life at the sea in Cape Town.

I have some great seabird action to show you and also some different species on show.
Look at the size of the fish that this guy caught.

This is a Hartlaub's Gull (Chroicocephalus hartlaubii) and I am sure that he was watching the fishermen, saying, well if they can do it, then so can I :)

Blogging is an art and I don't regard myself as a blogger. Someone said that I am more of a photo journalist and I can live with that, although I don't have much time for human labels. My passions are nature and photography, and I try my best to show everyone what my eyes see out there.
By grace I happen to see some unusual sights occasionally and it always makes me happy to share it. I fortunately also have patience as an attribute and it often results in success as far as patience is warranted.
Come and see what I got for you.

Say bud, you know that I am your best friend and can I have a piece of that ?

No way gullsay, or should that be, No way José, and he was out of there.

Here now we had a different scenario. A couple of terns and a couple of kelp gulls.

I think that they are Caspian Terns (Hydroprogne caspia).

A white-breasted cormorant came flying over.

A look to the left by the two kelp gulls.

And a look to the right.

Can you see the splash into the water in front of the Oyster Catcher bird.

It was this Pied Kingfisher diving to try and get his lunch.

And finally, if you think that the above were only a few bird species, then have a look at this photo below.

So yeah, having a bit of fun in the post by giving the birds voices and thoughts always makes my post a bit more friendly. So many sour faces walking around here lately, because we now have between 4 and 5 power cuts every day, and one cannot blame them because it really affects not only our own work, but it also strangles the economy. Imagine having 8-10 hours of no electricity every day. Just how does one cope with that?
All would be well if it was only short term, but this has now been dragging on for years, since 2017 I think, and yet the struggle continues.
Nature is always a nice place to get rid of one's stresses, and the song of the ocean can also clear the mind.

I hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and the story.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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