Birds are our friends : Photography

My friends, I hope you are all well. Today was a very beautiful day. Spent a lot of time with birds. Took some nice pictures. Birds are not only beautiful to look at but also very beneficial. They maintain the balance of the environment by eating insects and garbage. To true nature lovers, nature without birds will seem tasteless. I think so. I love birds because they fill nature with life and song.

Here was a sparrow perched on a power line, looking like it was resting time. It was very cute


Javan Myna was sitting on a branch looking around, probably looking for her mate

There is some paddy along with the paddy straw, sparrows come on the straw pile for food and eat it.


The Javan Myna has moved into the village courtyard in search of food


The pigeon is domesticated, there is a pigeon house made by the owner next to it. They are released during the day. Eat outside and go home again. At this time the pigeons are climbing from tree to tree. This is a picture taken then

Best regards

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