Emperor Shino Blarke

"Power is Power"' a word I loved how useful it was , when Cersei Lannister, used to show Little Finger what the title of Been Superior means.
It really is a great taste and quest even in today's present world.
The Taste to command attention of everyone , once you step into a room.
Say words that can't be questioned, but carried out to your satisfaction and this can only come with Extreme Power and influence.

Power and Influence one that comes from , been the member of a family that holds generational Old Money privileges.
Or getting it via the usual electoral practice, been Lord over a people and still respected for ever instruction or command you dish out.
And in this frame all I can see is an Emperor who's looks and Physique is not but perfect, worthy of the attention he commands .
Title of an Emperor on his shoulders , showing how much power and Influence he commands in this frame.
And it is hanged on the wall and gets to be analysed by all who watch the Art of this Emperor speak through there vision.

Shino is one great of a model and Stylist, he is quite a good creative and making this picture is something I found really great. His pose just interpret the whole idea.
But sincere there's no kingdom to rule but there is a picture to rule and command attention to the eyes.
So he is Emperor , with a lot of composure 💯.

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