Lakeisha in the forgotten Cathedral - 10 exposures that nearly weren't

Certainly been a few dozen moments since I've ventured out doors to execute any photographic work. These images were shot in early December, 2022; and I'm only now just getting around to sharing them here on HIVE.

I've worked with Lakeisha before hand and that was a very successful shoot; with some awesome images the outcome of some time spent in a forest.

For this session, I used my favourite location in the Adelaide Hills, an abandoned cathedral in a graveyard. It's well worth the drive to get there, and it has a magical atmosphere.

The following images were almost compromised by the fact that I decided to use my older Nikon D750 in lieu of my mirrorless gear, and furthermore by the fact that I decided to (handheld) use my even older Nikon 105 Defocus control lens, which allows for the focus of the out of element areas of the image to be set to a seperate aperture range than the in-plane elements.

I made a mistake with the set up of the lens, setting the "defocus" to the front instead of the rear, which is not what I wanted to go for with this set of images. I won't lie, when I got home and looked at these images for the first time, my hear sank, and I thought I had wasted everyone's time.

What follows is the salvaged images. Everyone is happy. :) I just hope I get more of an opportunity to photograph people this coming year.

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Probably one of the final images captured on the day, in the rearmost part of the location.

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Getting ready to stab some people. :)

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Balancing the blade. Consider this the consideration of justice?

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The ruin of it all.

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A moment.

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With a sharp edge.

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A playful, sharp edge.

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And a considered thought.

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Won't be taken any further.

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At the end of the blade.

Look at me imposing a narrative upon a sequence of photographs. Which was your favourite?

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Are you aware that I love photography? Check out my work in a collection.

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Thanks as always for your time!

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