The Romance of travel is something deeply ingrained within me, It's not always been there, it's not like I was one of those people who as a child longed for a great TinTin like adventure, no it came to me later in life, in small way when I first got a car, the idea of just driving into the the countryside worked so well, hell even the idea of a drive a night in the city.
And then when I went overseas properly for the first time, you know more than 10 hours on a plane then the love begun. I realised there was so much to see, so much that you have never experienced. A chance to see new things, a chance to do those things that might only happen to you once.
Like a Camel on a desert road in the middle of Tunisia. Hell you might see Camels again, certainly if you spend some more time in a deserts, but it will never be like this again, it will never be the first time again, it's not going to get you to stop the van to jump out stand on the road and point a camera at it. Actually scratch that of course you are going to do that it's what you do, but maybe it won't be this hot and it won't be with those people and it won't be this camel.