The Caged Flower's Truth

⚔ The people who survive the sword will find favor in the desert.⠀⠀
I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt.🌱

Jeremiah 31: 2, 31: 4
🎼 Meridian by August Burns Red 🖤


Hello PeakD friends, I hope you're all doing well.

I'm not catholic or religious, yet the quote above is one of my favorites of all time. There is so much Truth behind the words. The song is linked and I highly recommend listening to it. It reminds me of the undeniable duality in this world. On one side, there is fear and darkness and on the other, there is love and rainbows!!

The law of balance is obvious; one needs only to look around with open eyes to see it. Yet so many close their eyes and hide behind their masks to blackout the ugliness in this world. Living in delusion by choice, their happiness wanes and sadness always returns. It's hard to face the storm because it feels like death - but it's necessary. To have any chance of sunny days, we need to dance with the storm; to see the darkness within and without first.


The caged flower, the woman behind the mask, who is she? The black lace hides her beauty as the cage does for the flower. The world in which it lives is so dangerous that the cage doesn't suppress the delicate flower, it protects it from harm. It feels safe there and has come to depend on it. It does not envy the other flowers as they are regularly plucked and trampled on. The cage is it's home and that's how it thrives. The sun shines on it's petals without burning them, the rain and wind keep it strong and the delicate aroma can even be appreciated from far. When the winter season arrives, it withers into itself for the ultimate freedom; a temporary death. Only to be reborn, even more beautiful, come spring.

Like the flower, the woman has lived this cycle many times over. She has danced with death and learned to love it as much as she loves life. Her world is dangerous too and she must protect herself from being plucked and tramped on. Away from the city and people she finds refuge, deep in the forest where she cannot be found. That is when she feels the most free and happiest in her solitude. The wind, rain and snow have made her stronger than meets the eye. A lover of life who's heart bleeds for this world. She effortlessly expresses her deepest joys and pains in one glance. You can see in her regard that she is the epitome of balance; a delicate thorned rose.


The inspiration behind this shoot came from my friend and photographer, Jean-Francois. He wanted something dramatic and mysterious. J-F's favorite part about photography is the lighting and we can see his passion play out in his photos. I love everything about modelling, from the creative concept to the final results. To achieve this look, no store bought mask would do! So I went to the fabric store, bought some lace and cut out a mask shape. I took some quick pics and sent them to J-F for his opinion and it was exactly what he wanted! It was so quick and easy to make - talk about a creative success!

That wraps up this post. Thank you for time and interest! It's so fun and refreshing to be writing creatively again. It feels natural for me as I used to write daily as a child but haven't written in too long. And it feels good to have the space to do so and to be back at it! I look forward to creating these posts and plan to do so weekly. Stay tuned for more pics and creative writing.

Until next time, take good care.

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