How stupid was I or... Can you stand a few overexposed photos?

In addition to the many other "talents" I have, there is one that causes me many surprises, which is unpleasant.

I may call it bad luck, but I know it is stupidity.

I need to explain a little and this will also clarify the chosen title...

A month ago I was happy to be near the sea. What's more, I ended up in a place I had never seen before, which rarely happens because I like to walk on beaten paths, that is, I usually go to the same places.

At the suggestion and request of some friends, we took a short trip to see a resort in Bulgaria, on the Black Sea, close to my usual and eternal vacation spot, Balchik.


Eight kilometers away from Balchik we find Albena, the resort I'm talking about now.


I mentioned above a talent of mine... Yes, I have this talent of missing the most important and awaited events, in this case, a photographic one.

Last year I went to a street theater festival, I was particularly interested in a French company with only one show. I forgot my camera battery at home.

Now, in Albena, I had a different experience...

To get to the beach in Albena I had to cross a big park with lots of vegetation and shade. I chose a larger aperture and a longer exposure time for the photos.

Everything was fine until I got to the beach... I kept shooting without thinking that the light was too bright. I didn't have time to think, I just wanted to take as many photos as possible, especially since I didn't have any of such a beach.

Being too sure of myself, I didn't even look to see how the photos came out...

Of course, the surprise was at the end, when I downloaded the photos to my laptop.



Beach photos I was missing from my archive.

I tried to edit them but, either it doesn't work (the most likely variant), or can't work anymore. I should have deleted them but I couldn't. I'm unlikely to go to Albena again for photos...


I chose to take a risk and use them in this post. They will remain here, in Hive, as a memento of the trip to Albena, and a warning about my "talents" that are ready to ruin my work.

Can you stand a few overexposed photos?

Random shots of a rather blue-ish Black Sea.




Beach volleyball is photogenic and sure to be photographed because no one is looking away from the ball. If girls are playing as part of a team, then all the more eye-catching.









The beach is huge. Here I'm in the middle looking right and left.



To the left is our "home", Balchik.


The hills and the bay of Balchik.


The Black Sea!


I put photos taken on the beach in Albena. I have a few more that look better and I'll save them for another time, maybe after these will be forgotten.

It was an accident that had its place in the learning process that I went through. Just as I learned to check before leaving home if the camera has a (charged) battery, I will check if the photos I take are correct. I will check as I take them. Of course, this is elementary, but sometimes I get carried away and forget.

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