Empty streets, full streets and the six-legged horse

On Sunday, it was sunny in my town.

The most beautiful boulevard in Bucharest is Victory Avenue, my favorite place to walk when I leave the suburbs where I live. It is closed to cars on weekends.

Coming after a cold and rainy Saturday, this Sunday was extraordinarily beautiful. The morning stroll found the boulevard relatively devoid of people, probably kept indoors by the lower temperature and laziness.


Increasing groups of foreign tourists save the day. Bucharest is a city less known and visited by foreigners, despite being the capital of Romania. The marginal position in Europe and the lack of promotion plus a bad reputation, quite wrong, has made the city where I live not a favorite destination so far.


Attracted by the low cost of traveling here and the still-cheap food and drink plus curiosity, foreign tourists are now the masters of the old town every weekend.


For that reason, and, city residents, things are happening on Victory Avenue. This time we saw horses in a place where, the rest of the week, there are only power horses!


I love this part of the city, which is both the center and the old town because it lets me see what the city was like a hundred years ago. Most buildings are from the beginning of the last century and are even older.


The horses, which belonged to the gendarmerie, and the riders, dressed in cavalry uniform from the turn of the last century, started a ride on a stretch of the boulevard.

Of course, I made the same trip in the desire to photograph this unique and unexpected moment. That's how I managed to get, unwittingly, this picture of a six-legged horse!


In front you can see the former Royal Palace and the movement of the riders in that direction makes sense. Looking behind them I try to imagine the city before there were cars.




When I saved the photos I saw this one and I think I caught a... ghost because the image seems to disintegrate and then it's gone.



Even Mickey Mouse was impressed...


...and considered the parade over.


But no, the parade continued and allowed me to take a picture of the eight-legged horse!


I was left with the image of an almost empty boulevard on which a couple of horse riders from another time, far away, were walking.


Fall is in the midst of it and, of course, brings low temperatures and rain. In between, some days feel like summer and yesterday was like that.

And that reminded me of #SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday by @ace108.

I rely mostly on photos in all my blogs. Words don't help me as much as photos. A wise saying goes that a photograph is worth a thousand words.
I don't think so.
It depends on the viewer.

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