Monique in full display - eng/esp

With her unique and determined style, Monique stepped forward when I finished with the previous models on the same esplanade. I have to confess that she was one of the best dressed for this safari, and with her attitude towards us photographers, it never ceased to make us happy to know that with her we were getting very good shots. She is very talented, there is no doubt about that. And if she goes on safaris in the future, she definitely has to be on my model reel of the day.

Con su estilo único y decidido, Monique dio el paso al frente cuando terminé con las modelos previas en la misma explanada. He de confesar que era de las mejores vestidas para este safari, y con su actitud ante nosotros los fotógrafos , no dejó de alegrarnos al saber que con ella estábamos logrando muy buenas tomas. Tiene mucho talento, de eso no hay dudas. Y si va a los safaris en el futuro, definitivamente tiene que estar en mi carrete de modelos del día.


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With the help of Google Translator Esp-Eng
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