Banned From ChristoCord, But Just Wanted My Iomega Zip Drive

Let me tell you and show you how this all started.

But before I do, a quick recap, as mentioned in my last post regarding what happened, I told you I joined a Discord server and then I was banned. I was in a few conversations with them and I mentioned them here but I didn't say everything in that last article.

I'm going to share my ever conversation I have had on that Discord server minus the fancy formatting. I'm copying and pasting straight direct text, expect this to be uber boring. In other words, stop reading now. I joined the group and asked for advice regarding how to fix my Iomega Zip Drive.

My first 26 minutes were spent talking to them about that. A quick correction from my last post. I thought I was only on that Discord for a few hours before getting banned. It looks like I lasted almost two entire days. Wow. Must have been a good little boy. I mean, I must have been a good little oatmeal. Well, you are what you eat. So, stop eating up fear porn and take off your mask and eat more yummy oatmeal.

Here comes the boring details to follow.

Screenshot at 2021-03-06 22:57:02 Joining ChristoCord Joeyarnoldvn.png

2021-03-04 - Thursday - 04:20 PM PST LMS JA - I entered that ChristoCord Discord Server on that Thursday afternoon in Shelton, WA. It was on the 4th of March of 2021. It was the birthday of Kenni. You killed Kenni.

A hood over your head. From South Park. Better yet, they killed Oatmeal. That's me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, the one and only Cool Kid in other words. That's not cool. Take it from me, Joe Cool. But how would I know? Well they don't call me Cool Kid for nothing.

Screenshot at 2021-03-06 22:51:05 Joined.png

Click here to visit that group which banned me. You can type in keywords in the search bar in that Discord server to confirm that what I'm saying is accurate.

Here are the first things I ever wrote in that Discord community as follows:

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:wave: Hey Oatmeal Joey Arnold! Welcome to ChristoCord! If you're in need of tech support, feel free to post in custom-pc-building, hardware-support, or software-support. @ WelcomeCommittee

CEO of Doge03/04/2021


Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021

Does anybody know if Iomega zip drives work via IDE to USB adapters on Ubuntu?

Insert Name Here03/04/2021

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh maybe?
ik floppies work
zip drives, idk, possibly

Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021

it has not been working

Insert Name Here03/04/2021

are you sure the zip drive itself works
cus they're super old, and are dying themselves

Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
could be not working because it is ATAPI
the zip drive makes noises and has a light
Insert Name Here 03/04/2021
doesnt mean it's working

Oatmeal Joey Arnold 03/04/2021
so it sounds like it works
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
broken ones do that too

Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
so maybe not
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
uh, shot in the dark:
do you have an older pc with a parallel port?
or well, any other pc's to test
windows or sumn
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
i may have older pcs
but it uses IDE
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
not parallel port
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
it's an internal zip drive?
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
i c
So connect through IDE.
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
but my adapter works with internal hard drives
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
see if u have an older pc with an internal ide header, that works
and plug it straight up
and see if it works
just to rule out zip drive not working via adapter
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
it is IDE but it says ATAPI2
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
they still work via regular ide headers
did back then
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
mya dapter was able to read external hard drives but not the zip drive
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Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
they did work via IDE? that is good
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
if the zip drive still don't work when straight ide to ide on an older pc, safe to assume it's a ded drive
which isn't uncommon btw
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
but didn't Windows have special drivers to read Iomega zip drives?
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
i don't know, i think they did?
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
I am using Ubuntu
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
they were made for windows in mind, ik that
1 sec
Get a PC with Windows 98 on it and connect it.
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
i am hoping this is a software issue and not hardware failure
Insert Name Here03/04/2021

LGR Oddware - The Iomega ZIP Drive Experience
starts at unboxing and further
he goes through literally everything about it
just he has the external version
but should still apply
dude its been 15-25 years depending on which one it is, i doubt many people here ever had one or even if they did they probably dont remember most things
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
but that one is different
I knew LGR would be brought into this...
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
old school
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
zip drives ARE old school lol
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
so is win 98
Yeah and obscure.
I don't think Zip drives were really used at all.
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
zip drives were more luxury then
basically the affordable CD of the time
but more obscure
lgr's vid is p much the only good video documentation of one
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
I don't know if I should setup the jumpers on the back of this IDE Iomega Zip Drive to master, slave, cable select.
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
if it's the only drive on the ide
it's master
if it's chained with an hdd
the hdd is master
the zip is slave
Leaderboards Bot
:wave: Hey mylin! Welcome to ChristoCord! If you're in need of tech support, feel free to post in custom-pc-building, hardware-support, or software-support. WelcomeCommittee
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Does it matter if there is only one device attached to the IDE to USB adapter?
Ooga booga
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
if you're adapting it
be safe and just make it be standalone
not chanined
and the jumper on master
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
but like i said, if you can, try to wire it directly
via a legit ide cable
if u got one
just to potentially rule out it not wanting to work through usb
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
I am plugging directly into an adapter without using a ribbon cable.
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
if the adapter don't work still
use ribbon
if ribbon no worky
zip drive is oof'd
Hey guys I just made a profit of 12k560$ from crypto trade?,I just did with my broker,I'm so happy,Dm me if you are interested.
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Use Hive Blog
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
ew advertisin
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Insert Name Here03/04/2021
and cryptoing
CEO of Wold03/04/2021
@mylin cool story

Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
If you're telling me to connect the drive to a desktop, that is directly to the motherboard bypassing USB. I agree, that is a good idea.
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
yes, that's what i've been sayin
no adapter, direct ribbon cable, aka ide
CEO of Wold03/04/2021
But I'm sure you meant $12.56
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
I make money posting on Hive Blog.
But I am here to talk about that.
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
steamer: i pressed [key]!!!!!!!!! why didn't it work!!!!!!!!!!!!
also streamer: smashes keyboard when they die
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Did the ribbon cables work with Iomega zip drives? Were there any ribbon cables which didn't work with them?
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
it's an ide cable, all ide cables will work with the internal zip drives
just like sata today
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Sometimes I hear stories of how some cables look the same but are not the same.
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
thats why im suggesting it, a direct ribbon cable is a guarantee to work
sometimes the usb adapters don't

Insert Name Here03/04/2021
thats the case with floppy and ide
but nothing else iirc
floppy data cables are a smidge less wide than ide
while being the same plug

@Christo someone is scamming sir
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
I hear that some parallel port cables can connect to printers but may not work with Iomega zip drives. After reading that, I decided not to order a parallel port style Iomega zip drive on Amazon. I went with a used $30 IDE style one partly because I didn't want to spend like $300 on one that goes directly to USB.

Insert Name Here03/04/2021
understandable, though haven't heard of that issue @Oatmeal Joey Arnold
:laugh2CC: :AlienDance:
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Not everything is a scam. Now, that in particular is likely either a scam or very inaccurate, very misguided, very risky, very unlikely to work perhaps.
Yeah duh not everything is a scam
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
99.99% of the time
christichan didnt reply to my schlong compliment
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
those discord ads are scams
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
If you do try to invest, it may take over a decade to maybe make some money.
Just like mining
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
time travel to 2006
buy like 100 bitcoin
travel back to today
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
You mean 2009
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Insert Name Here03/04/2021
whenever it started
Oatmeal Joey Arnold03/04/2021
Or go back to start Hive Blog
for posting

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Buy Land

2021-03-04 - Thursday - 04:46 PM - Discord

I do not endorse Amazon.
Buy land like Bill Gates is right now.
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