🎼 {24/09/23} ✦ 6 Songs in Japanese and Korean that you may not know and that will make you dance 🎧 💕 (from my "today you can't get depressed" repertoire) ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

✦ The music I listen to is not exclusively asian, I also like some indian and some english songs, but lately this is the kind of song and rhythm that helps me to get through the days, specially when I wake up sick / The cover is composed by captures I made from my cell phone, of the shots I like the most from their respective videos! ✦

🇪🇸 ~ ¡Hola a todos!, espero se encuentren muy bien; como persona creativa y que trabaja desde casa sé que cada quien maneja distintas playlist para colocar a lo largo del día cuando el silencio aturde, y especialmente si eres del "team Stay-At-Home" seguro tienes listas de reproducción para situaciones específicas.

🇺🇸 ~ Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well; as a creative person who works from home I know that everyone has different playlists to play throughout the day when the silence boggles the mind, and especially if you're a "Stay-At-Home team" you're sure to have playlists for specific situations.

La mayoría del tiempo utilizo 2 playlist, una de sonidos bineurales en distintas frecuencias, y una de mantras (soy fan de Ivan Donalson). Pero tengo una playlist especial para cuando necesito moverme y recuperar energía sí o sí, ésta va de música en diferentes idiomas y de diferentes álbum y años, y hoy quiero compartir los 6 temas que más he escuchado estas últimas semanas y que estoy segura no te seran indiferentes.

Most of the time I use 2 playlists, one of binaural sounds in different frequencies, and one of mantras (I'm a fan of Ivan Donalson), but I have a special playlist for when I need to move and recover energy, this is music in different languages and from different albums and years, and today I want to share the 6 songs that I have listened to the most these last weeks and that I'm sure you won't be indifferent.

✦ Wait approximately 1:44 minutes for a surprise ✦

"ADO" representa para mi un antes y un después en cuanto ritmos para recargarme. Todos sus temas tienen un componente pegajoso pero también muy desafiante en sus letras. Me gustan las canciones que hablan de desafíos y fortaleza propia, pero que no lancen hate o te hagan crearte enemigos inexistentes (cuidado con eso).

"ADO" represents for me a before and after in terms of rhythms to recharge. All of their songs have a catchy but also very challenging component in their lyrics. I like songs that talk about challenges and self-strength, but that don't throw hate or make you create non-existent enemies (watch out for that).

✦ I am absolutely obsessed with all the versions of this song BECAUSE THEY ALL SOUND AMAZING ✦

Esta adaptación de "REOL" de "Tokio Funka" es mi número 1 en esta lista, es una verdadera joya por la riqueza de su ritmo, y si te gustan las artes escénicas o crear coreografías en modo solo o grupo, este es un recurso que te invito a guardar y compartir con tus amigos; buena idea también es buscar otras de sus adaptaciones (como esta hecha con el anime de "Mononoke").

This "REOL" adaptation of "Tokio Funka" is my number 1 in this list, it is a real gem for the richness of its rhythm, and if you like performing arts or creating choreographies in solo or group mode, this is a resource that I invite you to save and share with your friends; a good idea is also to look for other of their adaptations (like this one made with the anime of "Mononoke").

✦ RAON's lyrics never disappoint but of all his repertoire this one remains my favorite, I could even use it in a performance ✦

"RAON" tiene uno de mis temas favoritos porque el tópico de los seres sobrenaturales asiáticos son mi predilección. La canción habla de un ambiente que me recuerda a "Ghost City" (territorio mencionado en las novelas de Tian Guan Ci Fu de MXTX) y el personaje que protagoniza este tema te invita a "convertirte en un youkai", la sola perspectiva con este ritmo es muy emocionante.

"RAON" has one of my favorite themes because the topic of Asian supernatural beings are my predilection. The song talks about an environment that reminds me of "Ghost City" (territory mentioned in the Tian Guan Ci Fu novels of MXTX) and the character that stars in this theme invites you to "become a youkai", the mere prospect with this rhythm is very exciting.

✦ This KAI song is not so "little listened" being that the challenge of its choreography is viral in several platforms, but it was impossible not to mention it ✦

"Mr. Rover" fue un feliz accidente para mi, la escuche durante un evento manganime este año mientras grababa a una amiga Cosplayer durante la toma de su video en la cámara 360°, ni siquiera sabia el titulo de la canción y pase una tarde escribiendo cosas random en el buscador hasta que apareció. La bailo casi todos los días, también la canto con gusto porque estoy en mi etapa de "a mi nadie me manda".

"Mr. Rover" was a happy accident for me, I heard it during a manganime event this year while recording a friend Cosplayer during the shooting of her video in the 360° camera, I didn't even know the title of the song and I spent an afternoon typing random things in the search engine until it appeared. I dance to it almost every day, I also sing it with pleasure because I'm in my stage of "nobody bosses me around".

✦ Wait until minute 3:15 for a surprise ✦

"Ten to One" es una de esas recomendaciones que el algoritmo de YT atraviesa en tu camino, no sabes como llegaste aquí pero es imposible ignorar esta canción. y aunque tiene partes que puedan resultar repetitivas (y por eso mismo te causa sosiego, esa sensación de seguridad donde sabes qué sigue), la primera vez que la escuchas no es predecible, especialmente en su ultimo minuto.

"Ten to One" is one of those recommendations that the YT algorithm crosses your path, you don't know how you got here but it's impossible to ignore this song. And even though it has parts that can be repetitive (and that's why you feel calm, that sense of security where you know what's next), the first time you listen to it it's not predictable, especially in its last minute.

✦ It is complicated to describe this song, my only recommendation is "enjoy it" ✦

"Tokyo Gegegay" llego a mi por la recomendación de un tercero, es una de esas canciones que te pueden encantar o que puedes odiar, y que no va a revolucionar tu existencia por su letra filosófica, es de esos temas que guardo cuando solo quiero divertirme y hacer lipsinc (como algunas canciones de RuPaul), y también es el tipo de canción que escucho para terminar mis ejercicios del día, solo necesito algo divertido, absurdo y un poco diva.

"Tokyo Gegegay" came to me on the recommendation of a third party, it's one of those songs that you can love or you can hate, and it's not going to revolutionize your existence because of its philosophical lyrics, it's one of those songs I keep when I just want to have fun and do lipsync (like some RuPaul songs), and it's also the kind of song I listen to to finish my workouts for the day, I just need something fun, absurd and a little bit diva.

Si ya conocías a estos artistas, comenta por favor cuál es tu tema favorito de su repertorio, o si quieres recomendarme tu tema favorito "para cargarte de energía" eres muy bienvenido en los comentarios, así también me ayudas a enriquecer mi biblioteca musical 🎧 💕

If you already knew these artists, please comment what is your favorite track from their repertoire, or if you want to recommend me your favorite track "to charge you with energy" you are very welcome in the comments, this way you also help me to enrich my music library 🎧 💕

🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia ✦ Translation: Deepl
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Mino.Cosplay@Gmail.com 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares

⚜ 𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 / © 𝚃𝙴𝚂𝙼𝙾𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 - 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟶𝟸4 ⚜

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