Summer Opening Music Festival 2023

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Hey all!

I finally got the time and strength to gather up my little videos on my adventure at this year's Summer Opening Music Festival here on the island!


For 10 years they have been doing this festival so this year was special with two weekends instead of one weekend or a few days like they did in the past, which had more music guests involved!


I never got interested in the festival to be honest because it was either to go alone or it's always when I'm working or the guests wouldn't get my attention...

But as soon as someone told me that Hybrid Theory was coming, holy shit I had to go even if it was alone which I did lol


Is a Portuguese band tributing Linkin Park and they have been such a big success that they have been all over the world keeping Chester alive!

As a huge fan of Linkin Park, I had to be there of course!

from their Facebook Page

So I gather up, again, Instagram stories from the day! There were other musicians that I didn't know so was a new breath of fresh air for my love for music! Not to mention that there were also some DJs playing electronic music in another corner of the festival so I would jump around during the afternoon/night while waiting anxiously for the last band!



It was so worth it!
I jumped so much and screamed so loud that my voice was garbage at the end! And I was like in a hangover the next day and I swear I didn't drink alcohol lol


I loved it so much! Chester must be proud up there watching these guys and keep his legacy!

Again, forgive some of the Portuguese messages in the video!

See you next time!


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