"Vida Pasada" - Waldo Mendoza || Cover by @eduardo900613 & @longevoatrevido

A la casa de mi amigo Orlando Torres, @longevoatrevido, fuí hace unas semanas con el objetivo de que me ayudara a montar un cover. Una canción que a mí me gusta mucho, por cierto, y quería que me quedara a su estilo trovadoresco. No les adelantaré mucho sobre cuál es el tema en específico, pues queridos amigos míos, es una sorpresa. Así que van a tener que esperar un poco, aunque espero que no se extienda demasiado, todo está en que Orlando, quien amablemente se me ofreció por supuesto para participar en esta aventura, disponga de un poco de su valioso tiempo.

Scroll up to view English translation.


El cantautor, a pesar de su edad, la que casi no se le nota, es además todavía el hombre de la casa. Un hogar en el que predomina el sexo femenino, por lo que la belleza no falta en la casa. Mientras trabajamos en montar el cover del que les comentaba al principio, el maestro me compartió que tenía esta canción agregada a su repertorio. La canción que les presento en esta nueva oportunidad en la comunidad más musical de la colmena, es un tema igual de encantador que viene de la voz de un cantante cubano, que ha cautivado a todo su público de jóvenes y quienes ya peinan algunas canitas.


Waldo Mendoza viene hace un tiempo enamorando a todos a base de unas letras bien trabajadas, melodías románticas que vienen generalmente acompañadas del plato fuerte que es su preciosa voz. La canción que me presentaba Orlando, la que les compartimos a dúo, se llama "Vida Pasada". Una pieza musical de las tantas que atesora en su repertorio, dicho cantautor, de una voz de ángel.


El día escogido para grabar el tema no fue algo arreglado. Orlando se encontraba en plena faena de una de sus tareas cotidianas, me llama al móvil diciéndome que tendría la tarde libre. Para mí fue música para mis oídos, así que dejé lo que fuera que estuviera haciendo en ese momento, para salir rumbo a su casa. Allí se encontraba pelando unos tomates, los que le había dejado su yerno, quien vende productos del agro en una carretilla, cercana de la casa.


Nos pusimos a conversar un rato mientras terminaba su tarea. Recordamos aquel momento especial cuando, en uno de sus cumpleaños, me invitara a compartir con su familia. Orlando tenía en su patio un pedacito de paraíso, un pequeño ranchoncito, donde había una mezcla agradable entre la dinámica de lo natural de las plantas que allí convivían y obviamente su propio ingenio. Dicho pequeño pedazo de paraíso, le fuera arrebatado por uno de los tantos ciclones tropicales que nos frecuentan. Aunque el maestro, me compartió su deseo de volver a recuperar este espacio familiar.


Me invitaba al interior de su hogar, donde nos esperaba su señora con un exquisito café, así como su hija mayor y una de sus dos nietas. Seguidamente, comenzamos a practicar el tema musical, fuera en uno de estos ensayos, donde me atrevo a utilizar la cámara del móvil para grabarnos. Aclarar que Orlando es derecho, lo que da la idea de la zurda es porque para grabar mis videos, utilizo la cámara frontal. Si les soy sincero, me gustó tanto como nos quedó, que no quise forzarlo demasiado.


Terminé escogiendo de una vez este video, para compartirles esta descarga musical que experimentamos en nada más y nada menos que su cocina comedor. Un momento más que atesoraré en la compañía del amigo Orlando Torres, además se queda guardado en la blockchain para siempre. Muchas gracias por su compañía y hasta un próximo video, mis estimados amigos.

Las imagenes utilizadas en el post son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi móvil Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 S. Textos llevados al Inglés por Deepl Traslate.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

I went to the house of my friend Orlando Torres, @longevoatrevido, a few weeks ago to ask him to help me put together a cover. A song that I really like, by the way, and I wanted it to be in his troubadour style. I won't tell you too much about the specific song, because my dear friends, it's a surprise. So you'll have to wait a bit, although I hope it won't take too long, it's all about Orlando, who kindly offered me of course to participate in this adventure, having a bit of his valuable time.

The singer-songwriter, despite his age, which is hardly noticeable, is also still the man of the house. A home in which the female sex predominates, so beauty is not lacking in the house. While we were working on the cover I was telling you about at the beginning, the maestro shared with me that he had this song added to his repertoire. The song that I present to you in this new opportunity in the most musical community of the beehive, is an equally charming song that comes from the voice of a Cuban singer, who has captivated all his audience of young people and those who already comb some gray hair.

Waldo Mendoza has been making everyone fall in love for some time with his well-crafted lyrics, romantic melodies that are generally accompanied by the highlight of his beautiful voice. The song that Orlando presented to me, the one we shared with you as a duet, is called "Vida Pasada". One of the many pieces of music that this singer-songwriter with an angel's voice treasures in his repertoire.

The day chosen to record the song was not something arranged. Orlando was in the middle of one of his daily tasks, he calls me on my cell phone telling me that he would have the afternoon off. It was music to my ears, so I left whatever I was doing at the time to go to his house. There she was peeling some tomatoes, which her son-in-law, who sells agricultural products in a wheelbarrow near the house, had left her.

We chatted for a while as she finished her homework. We remembered that special moment when, on one of his birthdays, he invited me to share with his family. Orlando had a little piece of paradise in his backyard, a little ranchoncito, where there was a pleasant mix between the natural dynamics of the plants that lived there and obviously his own ingenuity. This little piece of paradise was taken away from him by one of the many tropical cyclones that frequent us. Although the master shared with me his desire to recover this familiar space.

He invited me inside his home, where his wife was waiting for us with a delicious coffee, as well as his eldest daughter and one of his two granddaughters. Afterwards, we began to practice the musical theme, outside in one of these rehearsals, where I dared to use my cell phone camera to record us. To clarify that Orlando is right-handed, which gives the idea of left-handed is because to record my videos, I use the front camera. To be honest, I liked it so much that I didn't want to force it too much.

I ended up choosing this video all at once, to share with you this musical download that we experienced in nothing more and nothing less than his eat-in kitchen. One more moment that I will treasure in the company of my friend Orlando Torres, plus it will be saved in the blockchain forever. Thank you very much for your company and until the next video, my dear friends.

The images used in the post are my property, taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 S. Texts translated into English by Deepl Translate.


Edited in canva.



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