Three Tune Tuesday : Music From My Time In Germany.

It is that time of the week again where I post three tunes that I was listening to this week. It has been an interesting week music wise as I quite liked some of the music in last weeks three tune Tuesday especially @blackdaisyft Islamic festival. It was really interesting. Myself and @blackdaisyft also came head to head in the 20 Hive No Limit Holdem weekly event on Lucksacks poker last Sunday and we made it to the final 2 at 1am in the morning.
I had won the 5 Hive tournament before this so I was confident. I did the usual and put in Khruangbin in the background. The 20 Hive tournament ended when @blackdaisyft wiped the floor with me with a flush and that was the end of me. Although I was happy to be beat by a good player and my pal in #ttt. Anyway back to the music.
I will start off with an interesting one. Most of my friends on Hive know I lived in Germany for around 5 years. It was a working 5 year holiday really. I lived in a city called Essen before I moved to Frankfurt for a couple of years. There is a place called Ruttensheid in Essen that is a nice leafy suburb and what is best of all is there is a massive Irish pub there owned by a Limerick man. One of the first things I did when I hit down was move to a location near said pub for social butterfly reasons. I'd talk to the wall on a bad day. I was on my own and I had to make friends fast if I was to survive so I visited the Irish pub to do just that. There was a German guy with a crazy coat at the bar so I complemented him in a hetrosexual way on his snazzy Withnail and I coat. We started talking and made friends. He had a wife thank Christ so I was delighted. My German friend was fond of the German weissbier like myself. The problem with German alcohol is it is stronger than the Irish alcohol so I was fairly well on after just a few drinks when I arrived. It took me a while to acclimatize. Dusseldorf was a city a half an hour from Essen and we would end up there many nights. I remember one of the nights myself and Theo had one of those Hangover nights when you wake up in a strange apartment and there are bodies asleep all over the place. Apartment wrecked, people asleep on balconies, on a bar, bras hanging off a lamp. It was best to just make a quick exit and not ask questions. Bloody vodka I complained with a massive hangover. On the way home on the train Theo asked if I remember how we got there. I told him if you remembered then you didn't have a great time and he found this hilarious. It turns out that my new friend Theo was a musician and a good one. He had a band but he was the main attraction. He used to give me CDs of himself. It wasn't music I was into but I admired some of the intricate music he was able to play on the keyboard. He would spend a half an hour explaining the song before he would play it which did not go down well the day after my wedding many years later. :-D.

So Theo went off and wrote a song which did well in the German state charts. It is called Veni Vidi Vodka. And what was it about? Only our night out in Dusseldorf!
He even mentions me in the second verse of the song which is kinda cool and he also mentions the thing I said to him about if you remember you didn't have a great time. He also called me a bit of a bollox or a chancer in German which I am still a bit on the fence about. If you listen to start of second verse he says Mein Freud Paul. That ladies and gentleman is yours truly. Theo is your man in the video wearing that coat. I think some of his groupies were in that house in Dusseldorf as well. The less said about this the better.


So when I left Essen I ended up in Frankfurt and frequented a music bar called the Anglo Irish. There was a Galway man called Sasha running it. Everyone loved Sasha but he wouldn't leave anyone near his playlist. His playlist was so good that I shazamed all his songs one night and copied it to my Spotify. There were 2 songs that I remember the most from Frankfurt.

The Courteeners - Not Nineteen Forever

I love this song and the first time I heard it was actually Frankfurt. The lyrics really sink deep with me though as I was hitting 30 in Germany at that stage and it rang through that I had to grow up a bit and start making plans with the girl I was going out with for 10 years. She was kinda at home with her life on hold while I was having the time of my life in Germany. So I went home one weekend, purchased a ring and proposed. I moved home a year later and here I am.


Little Black Submarine - The Black Keys

The anglo was a rock bar and this is a rock song that builds and builds. I am a fan of the Black Keys but this is an early one that again was new to me when I hit Frankfurt. When I hear this, I look back at the fantastic memories in that pub. It was such a great time for me and I had lots of fun.


So there are my three tunes this week. If you are ever in Frankfurt, never mind O Reillys. Find the hidden gem called the Anglo. You will have a way better craic. Also if you are in Essen. Stop by at Fritzpatricks and Theo will most likely be at the bar drinking Middleton at 5pm in the evening.

I will match @ablaze on the HBI every week and I look forward to listening to all the unusual beats this week.
Veni Vidi Vodka .....
Cheers blanchy

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