Three Tune Tuesday #67 | Coming back with a bang - Gramatik

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Greetings fellow musical Hivers 🤘

Hey hey hey my fellow #ttt posters and music enthusiasts 😁😍! It's been quite a while since my last #ttt post (note to self - or any post for that matter) and today I'm especially excited (note to self - a bit nervous too) to see how this post will turn out 🤗.

I've been on vacation and I very much enjoyed some offline time. Really offline, meaning I forgot my phone even existed and oh, how good it felt! I didn't realise how much I needed it until suddenly, I hadn't I haven't checked my notifications in about 4 days...

Now with my batteries recharged, what better way to return to my routine than by joining in the #threetunetuesday fun? 😁 I sense a lot of notes to selves coming up on today's post 🙃, not sure why... (note to self - yeah, it's been a while... How many self notes are too much? 🤔)

Care to find out, dear reader? Follow me! 👇

Three Tune Tuesday 🎸

For those of you who don't know, Three Tune Tuesday was created by @ablaze and as he explains 👇

The jist is as follows

Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning a prize.

With that being said, today I'm planning on bringing the big guns to this comeback, hoping it makes some impact out there 😉! I hope I'm not moving the expectation bar too high but I can't help myself! I'm just way too excited to see if any fellow #ttt poster knows the artist I'm gonna share today, and if so, what you, dear reader think about him 😍.

I should start by saying I didn't like at all the first time I listened to Gramatik (note to self - HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? You knew nothing, Jon Snow...)

But as all good Portuguese Porto Wine, I needed some time to mature... 🍷🍷🍷 Some time to grow and gain the proper ear to be able to listen to all of his masterful music creations 😎😎.

Photo by pcdazero on Pixabay

So, according to Wikipedia, Gramatik is a Slovenian musical producer, born in 1984. This guy just gathers together so many different musical genres in the most brilliant ways that it's hard for me to find the right mood to listen to him.

I should also advise you, dear reader, that his music can be way too much information. That was actually one of the reasons I didn't like him initially (note to self - how could you??!) ... It was just way too much different beats and notes that I couldn't understand or sense out of it.

However, being matured for 5 years since and well-rested, apparently gave me a whole other predisposition to realise his awesomeness! I mean, I've been listening to Gramatik for the last 2 hours and I've had to stop at some point because I just couldn't deal with all the brilliant combinations he makes (note to self - c'mon, be cool about it... Jeezz, we want to keep the expectations low!).

The selection I bring today, dear reader, is handpicked as an attempt to set your mood in the right direction of pure enjoyment 😊. Let's see if I succeed, shall we?

Oh! But first, definitely go grab your phones for this 🎧🎧🎧. I'll wait 😆... (note to self - pee break!)

My 3 song recommendation 😎

I think this first theme will enable us to have a slow start on all the music possibilities Gramatik brings to the table. I hope to bring you into a nice chill mood 🤗.

Go on and hit play now! I'm gonna tell you how I feel listening to this 😍...

Imagine you are in the seafront, the sun is blazing your face, and a light cool breeze comes along for a brief moment. A feeling of warmth inside as you share a beer with your close friends takes place. You take a deep breath feeling grateful for everything you have in your life, happy you are alive to enjoy it 🙏.

1 - Gramatik - Muy Tranquilo

Let's step up the game a little bit with this next one while maintaining a cool and cheerful feeling to it. Hell, let's just add a pinch of groove.

Ok, let's do a mini-challenge to boost the fun! 50 ecency points for the one who can pinpoint the improvisation part on this next theme! (note to self - Hihih, let's see who truly reads the post 😚)

Sounds good? Hit it 😎!

2 - Gramatik - Just Jammin'

For this last theme, I bring you the big guns, dear reader! Finally, this is the theme I've been obsessing about! I warn you, it's a LOT different than the first two themes I showed and I'm pretty sure not everyone will like it. And it's not even his most freaky theme, really!

Even for me can be too much stuff going on at some times and I'm not always in the mood to absorb all of that. That's why I wanted all of you nice and chilled before presenting my favourite theme of the day 😉

How many different genres can you listen to on this one?

3 - Gramatik - Illusion Of Choice

Final considerations 🙌

That's it from me today, dear reader! I hope you enjoyed it and got to listen to something different and out of the box 🤗. I keep being amazed by how music can be so impactful depending on how you're feeling... Sometimes we like a tune, sometimes we don't and it's totally fine to change opinions along our musical journey.

Therefore, if Gramatik wasn't your style at all, you never know if you'll find yourself in 5 years enjoying the very same thing you once didn't understand as I did. And I think that's one of the music's beautiful things 😍

For the readers who enjoyed his vibe, I'll say my goodbyes by leaving you more than 1 chilled hour alongside Gramatik 🤗. Enjoy!

Thank you for reading and take care! 👋👋

Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to any of these songs and the main purpose of this post is educational. The goal is to share talents and tunes with Hive community and Music community, thus expanding our musical horizons.

Please consider supporting the artists you like in any way you can.

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