Three Tune Tuesday #100 | Celebrating love and my greatest inspiration in music

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Canva was used for the design and the image is my own. You can see it here

Greetings fellow musical Hivers 🀘

Hey hey hey my fellow #ttt posters! How have you all been?? 😁 It's been a while since my last #ttt post (note to self - on week 83 to be exact πŸ˜…) and I've missed the fun! I've been thinking of joining in for a while now but I've been out of new musical ideas to share... I feel that I've shared all my "cards" in my previous posts and since I'm a creature of habits I tend to listen to my likes and that is it πŸ˜†. Usually, it's my partner who spices things up for me and shows me the wonderful world of musical variety.

However, I can't hide my love for even numbers and boy, #ttt number 100??!!! That's a reason to celebrate! Congratulations @ablaze, you've created such a strong and wonderful community here. I hope you're proud of yourself!

So, for #ttt nΒΊ100, I'll share 3 handpicked songs to honour the person who is my biggest inspiration for my forever ongoing pursuit in music!

Can you guess who that is, dear reader?

Three Tune Tuesday 🎸

For those of you who don't know, Three Tune Tuesday was created by @ablaze and as he explains πŸ‘‡

The jist is as follows

Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning a prize.

For those who might know me from previous #threetunetuesday participations, it might be an easy guess. But I wanted to create a bit of suspense, so please dear reader, indulge me if you will πŸ€—.

My biggest inspiration is someone who is very present in my life, he has the incredible ability to make me laugh and to calm me down in a heartbeat. He can also be the source of my biggest frustrations but what I've learned so far is that those have more to do with my triggers than with him (note to self - damn, getting closer to my thirties has made me wiser? πŸ€”) .

But one of the most wonderful things I couldn't have ever asked for is that I can be my full self around this special person. I can be goofy, I can talk child-ish, I can sing out of tune, I can start to dance weirdly, I can start crying out of the blue and I can talk to myself randomly around the house.

Never have I ever felt any piece of shaming coming from him and as odd as it may sound, that was a game changer in my life and in my ability to express myself. Now... I'm still a work in progress, of course. I can still feel some sort of trapped parts of me wanting to burst and come out. I sense those are deeply connected with music and my ability to let the music flow within my body and therefore express what I have within freely. Maybe one day I'll be able to do that but today it's not that day.

Today is for honouring this person who I deeply love. Can you guess it now, dear reader?


Yep! Might sound cliché but my biggest inspiration in music is my partner, the one and only 😍. And no, he is not a musician per see although he loves music and has joined different bands during his "youth". He is just the one who gave me and continues to give the biggest push towards music.

He's the one who forced me to try to guess the name of the songs and bands during our many car road trips. I used to get so annoyed by it because I couldn't guess anyone! I'm terrible with names! Nowadays, I love it and because of him I can guess quite a few now 😊.

He's the one who incentivized me to sing even out of tune and got mad at me when I couldn't even try it because of my deep shame. Nowadays, he has to just deal with the fact that I'm singing out of tune every shower 🀣.

He's the one who pushed me to pick up my guitar again and practised with me. He's the one who forced me to be part of some jam sessions with friends which I always loved but was too shy to even try to participate. Nowadays, I just don't care if I can't do all the hardcore stuff. I keep it simple and try to follow along even if I just play 1 chord in each compass.

So here it goes, my 3 song choice for celebrating love and especially to celebrate him ❀️.

Celebrating love ❀️

I found out about this next sound randomly in Spotify months (note to self - maybe a year) ago! I instantly loved the vibe, the flow and especially the words...

You clear the questions from my mind
I was afraid to say I love you
Afraid to take, and too eager to give
You helped me deal with what I'm feeling
With why and how I want to live

1 - Take Yo' Praise - Camille Yarbrough

The next song is a classic I'm sure many of you will know. However, I kinda like more this slightly different version. I love the calm pace it has to it as it reminds me to how my partner makes me feel.

When my soul was in the lost and found
You came along to claim it
I didn't know just what was wrong with me
Till your kiss helped me name it
Now I'm no longer doubtful
Of what I'm livin' for

2 - A Natural Woman - Carole King

Finally, a different meaning is also required. Not all are sun and giggles and every relationship has its hard and sad moments. Ours is no exception. Mistakes were made along the way and we've hurt each other more than I would have liked. But thankfully we've always managed to grow up from that and push forward, listening and expressing better to each other our needs and wants as well as respecting them. So the next song is a tribute to that, another one that I love, full of hope.

The shouted words, the tired sighs
The traded kiss of sad goodbyes
The living off of our desires
Then putting out a thousand fires
To feel so bad, to feel so good
To let it be misunderstood
Now I'd tear down my defenses
To love you all over again

3 - To love you all over again - Madeleine Peyroux

Final considerations πŸ™Œ

That's it from me today, dear reader! Thank you for following along with me until the end 😊. I often have this dream of someday being able to sing (note to self - on key if possible!) these songs to him in front of a bunch of people πŸ™ŠπŸ™ˆ.

He once did a serenade to me with his college buddies and you know how the story goes, right? Six and half years later and we are still together, rowing this river we call life, bumping with a few obstacles along the way 😊😍.

Thank you for your time! See you soon πŸ™ŒπŸ‘‹

Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to any of these songs and the main purpose of this post is educational. The goal is to share talents and tunes with the Hive community and Music community, thus expanding our musical horizons.

Please consider supporting the artists you like in any way you can.

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