Healthy lifestyles don’t just happen by accident.

The reason a healthy lifestyle isn’t as easy as getting your ducks in a row is that life has its limits requiring creativity and intelligent informed design.

In the last couple posts I have been talking about sacrifice, prioritization, and intention. These might not be fun topics but I believe they are some big parts to sticking to something long enough to be able to measure the results...

It’s all to easy to talk about the plan but it’s when you get to “how”... that’s when the rubber really meets with the road.

That’s when it gets hard.

I think that if we spent 80% of our time figuring out “how” and 20% of our time on “what” we would find this planning would catapult us a long way in the direction of our lifestyle goals!

“How” is the nitty gritty... the nuts and bolts. It’s the details and we all know the devil is in the details... it’s the details that derail us... especially on this planet where a million and one things can go wrong.

This is where recruiting the help of a lifestyle coach or a personal trainer can really help I believe.

At 10,000 feet everything can look easy like theirs no problems in your world... but zoom right in there and all of a sudden you will be bombarded with every conceivable obstacle and roadblock.

That’s why spending some time (and maybe even some financial capital) on someone with real life experience will go a long way to get you from point “A” to point “B”each.

On the way to your desired destination your going to have to move while course correcting. Being dynamic just like how a jet plane navigates making minute adjustments along the way. Compensating for headwinds, crosswinds, drag, additional weight, etc. All of these are forces at work and have to be taken into account for if you want to reach your ultimate destination.

A pilot can’t just fly back to the airport every time they fly off course... They can’t just start over again and again until they make the perfect run. They have got to adjust course multiple times as the move towards their destination... and that’s what your going to have to do as well!

And it helps a lot to have someone on your team helping you counteract all those external and internal forces at play (or work... and sometimes both!) Someone to help you focus on your dreams and destinations! Someone who can provide encouragement and immediate feedback as you move along. Someone who’s been there done that. Someone who cares as much as you do about where your headed.

That’s what a personal trainer does. They plot out a course towards your objective and help you a step at a time to reach those check ins. They celebrate your wins and set up the game for you to win. They kick start your spirit when you crash and burn. Day in day out you know that someone believes in your potential and pretty soon you will to!

These are just some of the things that keep me excited about being a certified personal trainer. I just can’t think of anything else I would rather be doing than helping people become the best version of themselves! What’s better than that!

I just can’t stop seeing people’s potential... and I have been at it now for over 10 years!

I have had to change the way that I train and the way that I operate, many times but all that learning by fire lead me here to the Hive Blockchain! And it’s here that I have decided to plant my flag and STAND... WITH YOU ALL!

A big part of achieving success is realizing what sort of ground you are standing on and intentionally making the choice to creating a supportive environment. And it all starts with the people you surround yourself with!

You’ve found your way to this blog for a reason... maybe your looking for a personal trainer!?

Follow along, upvote if you would like to support my fitness endeavours, re-blog to share the positive vibes... and if you want to take things to the next level book a session with me!

3,800 AFIT gets you started!
Clicking on the link below will bring you to the @Actifit Market where we have set things up so that you can book my (and other health and fitness professionals!) services! Check it out!

So having made a direct offer like this... it is my goal to continue to win your trust.

I’m doing this by continuing to invest real time and real capital into the Hive Blockchain and the @Actifit Project as well as the @AdventureReady & @BeachReady accounts.

In addition to these efforts, I’m also building out a reward layer that supports the steps you take with the @Actifit dApp called #Win, #AutomaticWin, and #HighFive. (To check those initiatives out just click over to the @AdventureReady page!)

I also have plans in the works for more reward and health initiatives implemented through the @BeachReady account. Watch for that!

As well I’m going to be picking up where I left off releasing more fitness video content, blog write ups like this one, and I also have plans to resume the @OneMoreNutrition and @EveryStepCounts projects.

Annnnnd! If that’s not enough! I’m (very soon) going to be posting up previous client testimonials. People I have helped get into the best shape of their lives over the last 10+ years!

My goal is to continue building your trust and to do my best by continuing to contribute to this growing community.

I really want to bring you all my very best! Why? Because I believe in each and every one of you and I know that you can (and will!) bring your very best too!

So, after 10+ years of personal training and 2+ years of activity on this blockchain... I’m only getting warmed up! Watch for more awesome things to come!

I’m excited and I hope that you all are as well!

Fitness Entrepreneur
Certified Personal Trainer
And the creative mind behind the #HighFive Movement!

Proof Of #AutomaticWin:

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity,Walking,Weight Lifting

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