My Actifit Report Card: October 31 2022 - Is It Skill Or Luck?

When we try something in our lives and it goes really well, is that because of our skills or did we just get lucky? Liv Boeree, a pro poker player, science presenter and my latest favorite YouTubeStar has something to say about that! She says it in 42 seconds so why not watch!

What about our crypto activity? We all know that sometimes we post a great piece of writing and no one notices. Or we post garbage and everyone up votes it!

Or we hear about a token, look into it, and since it sounds good we buy some. Then it crashes! Or we don't buy it and it moons!

Or it's a bull market and everything we buy goes UP! Is it really our skill that brought the profit or is every degen who apes into any coin also doing really well?

It's both, right? We have to have some skills which increase the probability of us making a choice that leads to a good outcome. But luck is always lurking and really skews the probability against us or in our favor. So yes, work on those skills, but be humble and give some credit to the luck of being in the right place at the right time!

MY ACTIVITY was a nice night time walk. It was rather warm for this time of year. It was very cloudy and had rained earlier so the air was a bit steamy. Right when I git started I noticed a nice half moon ahead of me, partly in the haze. Perfect setting for a Halloween walk!

I hope your day was fun and I wish you a wonderful tomorrow!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking

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